Linux Line Numbering

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In the futuristic space city of NovaLynx, humanity has reached new heights of technological advancements and interstellar diplomacy. You are the chief communication officer in the Galactic Embassy, specializing in scripting and data handling. An alien diplomatic envoy from the planet Zentradar is due to arrive at NovaLynx for a historic peace conference. To ensure smooth communication, they have provided a complex data dossier in the form of extensive plain-text reports that need to be structured and ordered for efficient processing and translation.

Your mission is to utilize the Linux 'nl' command to prepare these documents. By numbering each line of the text, you can help bridge the communication gap and contribute to a successful diplomatic exchange. Prepare to dive into the command line and master the art of line numbering!

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/nl("`Line Numbering`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/nl -.-> lab-271345{{"`Linux Line Numbering`"}} end

Setting up the Environment

In this step, you'll create a sample text file representing the data dossier provided by the Zentradar envoy and prepare it for line numbering. This will involve setting up a file and practicing basic nl usage.

First, navigate to the /home/labex/project directory and create a text file named dossier.txt. Type in some sample content to this file, for instance, a list of items or phrases. You can use the nano command for this purpose:

cd ~/project
nano dossier.txt

Inside nano, type some sample text:

Greetings from Zentradar,
Diplomatic Dossier Contents:
- Communication Protocols
- Cultural Artifacts
- Scientific Data
- Historical Chronicles

After typing the content, press CTRL + X and then Y to save your changes and exit nano. Now, apply the nl command to add line numbers to your file, and redirect the output to a new file numbered_dossier.txt:

nl dossier.txt > numbered_dossier.txt

Your numbered_dossier.txt file should now contain:

1  Greetings from Zentradar,
2  Diplomatic Dossier Contents:
3  - Communication Protocols
4  - Cultural Artifacts
5  - Scientific Data
6  - Historical Chronicles

Customizing Line Numbers

Now that you have the basic line numbering in place, let's customize it to meet the envoy's data format standards. The Zentradar delegation uses a specific numbering style where the line number always starts with 100 and has leading zeros.

In this step, use nl with custom options to format the line numbers according to their standards.

Execute the following command to add custom line numbers:

nl -v 100 -n ln dossier.txt > custom_numbered_dossier.txt

This will result in the following format in the custom_numbered_dossier.txt file:

100 Greetings from Zentradar,
101 Diplomatic Dossier Contents:
102 - Communication Protocols
103 - Cultural Artifacts
104 - Scientific Data
105 - Historical Chronicles


In this lab, we ventured through the practical application of the nl command inside the story-driven scenario of NovaLynx's space city and the Zentradar diplomatic arrival. This hands-on approach aimed to engage the learner in a narrative while equipping them with the skills to manage and format text files using line numbers, a frequent requirement for data processing and report generation.

By anchoring the learning process in a fictitious yet conceivable sci-fi context, learners had the chance to assimilate technical knowledge while enlivening their exercise with a touch of intergalactic diplomacy. Through this lab, not only did we successfully prepare for a historic peace conference, but we also honed our command-line skills, learned about the versatility of nl, and bolstered our ability to customize commands to meet specific data requirements.

This structured lab material is designed to both educate and spark curiosity, embracing the idea that learning Linux commands can indeed be an otherworldly adventure!

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