Linux Tutorials

Linux is one of the most popular operating systems in the world. It is used in everything from desktop computers to servers and even mobile devices. This skill tree will teach you how to use Linux from the command line, as well as some basic system administration tasks like installing software and managing users.

Online Linux Playground
Online Linux Playground
Explore and experiment with Linux in a secure, cloud-based environment. Discover the power of Linux with our Online Linux Playground.
Hadoop Installation and Deployment
Hadoop Installation and Deployment
This lab is mainly about the foundations of Hadoop and is written for students with a certain Linux foundation to understand the architecture of the Hadoop software system, as well as the basic deployment methods.
Hunt Down Social Media Accounts
Hunt Down Social Media Accounts
This lab provides a temporary VM for enabling sherlock-project/sherlock to search for social media accounts.
Visualize File Differences With Icdiff
Visualize File Differences With Icdiff
icdiff is a command-line utility that enhances the traditional diff command by showing differences between files in a side-by-side comparison with color coding. This makes it easier to understand changes and spot differences. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to install icdiff, use it to compare files, and explore its various options for better output customization.
Transcribe Media to Text with Whisper
Transcribe Media to Text with Whisper
OpenAI Whisper excels in converting speech from various media files, including both audio and video, into written text. This tutorial will guide you through the essential and more sophisticated uses of the Whisper command, facilitating high-accuracy transcriptions.
Manage Multiple Terminals With Screen
Manage Multiple Terminals With Screen
The screen command is extremely useful for running multiple scripts simultaneously in the background. This allows you to start long-running tasks without keeping a terminal open for each one. Below, we'll go through how to use screen to run scripts in the background and manage these sessions.
Linux Deploy LNMP
Linux Deploy LNMP
LNMP combines four open-source software components: Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. This stack is often used to power dynamic web applications and websites. Here's a brief overview of each component:
Linux 'jq' Programming
Linux 'jq' Programming
Welcome to the Linux jq Programming Lab! In this lab, you'll learn how to use jq, a lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor. jq is like sed for JSON data - you can use it to slice, filter, map, and transform structured data. This lab is designed to take you from basic to advanced usage of jq, with practical examples that you can apply in real-world scenarios, such as processing JSON data from APIs or configuration files.
Linux rm Command: File Removing
Linux rm Command: File Removing
This tutorial provides an overview of the rm command in Linux. It covers the basic usage, various parameters, and examples to help users understand and effectively use the rm command for file and directory removal.
Linux wc Command: Text Counting
Linux wc Command: Text Counting
This tutorial provides an introduction to the wc command in Linux, a utility for counting words, lines, and characters in a text file. The wc command is widely used for analyzing the content of files and streams.
Linux tail Command: File End Display
Linux tail Command: File End Display
This tutorial explores the tail command in Linux, a utility designed to display the last lines of a text file. We will cover its basic usage and introduce various parameters for enhanced functionality.
Linux pwd Command: Directory Displaying
Linux pwd Command: Directory Displaying
This tutorial provides an overview of the pwd command in Linux, offering insights into its purpose and practical usage.
Linux time Command: Command Timing
Linux time Command: Command Timing
This tutorial provides an introduction to the time command in Linux, a utility that measures the execution time of a command or program. The time command helps users assess the performance of processes and commands.
Linux uniq Command: Duplicate Filtering
Linux uniq Command: Duplicate Filtering
This tutorial provides an introduction to the uniq command in Linux, a utility for identifying and filtering out adjacent duplicate lines in a text file. The uniq command is commonly used for simplifying and analyzing datasets.
Linux xargs Command: Command Building
Linux xargs Command: Command Building
This tutorial provides an introduction to the xargs command in Linux, a utility that allows constructing and executing commands from standard input. The xargs command is particularly useful for handling lists of arguments and transforming them into command lines.
Linux which Command: Command Locating
Linux which Command: Command Locating
This tutorial provides an introduction to the which command in Linux, a utility that helps locate the executable of a given command in the system's PATH.
Linux whereis Command: File/Command Finding
Linux whereis Command: File/Command Finding
This tutorial introduces the whereis command in Linux, a utility designed to locate the binary, source, and manual page files for a specified command.
Linux tr Command: Character Translating
Linux tr Command: Character Translating
This tutorial provides an introduction to the tr command in Linux, a versatile utility for translating or deleting characters in a text stream. The tr command is commonly used for character-level transformations.
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