Ansible Tutorials

Ansible presents a systematic approach to learning IT automation and configuration management. Our tutorials cover Ansible playbooks, roles, and modules, suitable for beginners and experienced DevOps professionals. Through hands-on labs and real-world examples, you'll gain practical experience in automating infrastructure tasks. Our configuration management playground allows you to experiment with Ansible in a simulated environment.

Leveraging Ansible Builtin Lineinfile for Line Editing in Configuration Files
Leveraging Ansible Builtin Lineinfile for Line Editing in Configuration Files
Discover how to leverage the Ansible builtin module "ansible.builtin.lineinfile" to efficiently edit lines in configuration files. Learn practical use cases and best practices for line-level modifications.
How to Use Ansible to Replace Lines in Files
How to Use Ansible to Replace Lines in Files
Discover how to use Ansible to efficiently replace lines in files. Learn the lineinfile module, practical examples, and advanced techniques for selective line replacement in your infrastructure automation workflows.
Ansible Hostvars
Ansible Hostvars
Explore the power of Ansible hostvars to streamline your infrastructure automation. Learn how to access, leverage, and optimize hostvars in your playbooks and templates for dynamic and scalable solutions.
Ansible's lineinfile Module: Streamline Configuration Management
Ansible's lineinfile Module: Streamline Configuration Management
Explore the power of Ansible's lineinfile module to effortlessly manage and maintain configuration files. Learn how to replace, append, and remove lines, insert new content, and ensure consistent infrastructure through conditional execution.
Ansible blockinfile
Ansible blockinfile
Explore the power of the Ansible blockinfile module to manage and modify text-based content across your infrastructure. Learn practical use cases, advanced techniques, and best practices for efficient automation.
Ansible Installation on Ubuntu
Ansible Installation on Ubuntu
Master the installation of Ansible on Ubuntu with this hands-on lab. Learn to update system packages, install Ansible, configure SSH for seamless automation, set up an Ansible inventory, and test connectivity. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills to begin your journey with Ansible for efficient system management and automation.
Ansible: File Copying with the Copy Module
Ansible: File Copying with the Copy Module
Discover how to efficiently manage file transfers across your infrastructure using the Ansible copy module. Learn advanced techniques for conditional file copying, handling permissions, and more.
A Comprehensive Guide to Ansible.builtin.copy Module
A Comprehensive Guide to Ansible.builtin.copy Module
Explore the powerful Ansible.builtin.copy module and learn how to efficiently copy files, manage permissions, and secure file transfers in your Ansible playbooks.
Ansible Shell Module
Ansible Shell Module
In this lab, you will learn how to use the Ansible Shell module to execute shell commands on remote hosts. The Shell module is useful when you need to run shell commands that are not covered by existing Ansible modules or when you require more flexibility and control over the execution.
Ansible Playbook Basics
Ansible Playbook Basics
Master the fundamentals of Ansible playbooks in this hands-on lab. Learn to create your first playbook, understand playbook structure, and incorporate variables into your automation scripts. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills for crafting effective Ansible playbooks, from basic task execution to dynamic variable usage.
Ansible Roles
Ansible Roles
Master Ansible Roles to organize and structure your Ansible code in a modular and reusable way. Learn to create, expand, use, and manage dependencies in Ansible Roles for efficient configuration management.
Manage Multiple Ansible Inventories
Manage Multiple Ansible Inventories
In Ansible, managing multiple inventories can be a common scenario, especially in complex environments with different groups of hosts or separate environments. In this lab, you will learn how to work with multiple inventories in Ansible. You will learn how to define and organize multiple inventories, access hosts from different inventories, and perform operations across multiple inventories.
Ansible Stat Module
Ansible Stat Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible Stat module, which allows you to gather information about files and directories on remote hosts. The Stat module provides various attributes and information, such as file size, ownership, permissions, and modification timestamps.
Ansible Local Action Module
Ansible Local Action Module
Welcome to the Ansible Local Action Module Lab! In this lab, you will dive into the usage of the Ansible Local Action module. The Local Action module allows you to run tasks on the control machine where Ansible is being executed. This is useful when you need to perform operations locally, such as executing shell commands or running scripts.
Ansible Script Module
Ansible Script Module
In this lab, you will learn how to use the Ansible Script module to execute custom scripts on remote hosts. The Script module allows you to run scripts written in any programming language on the target hosts, providing flexibility and customization options in your automation tasks.
Ansible get_url Module
Ansible get_url Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible get_url module, which allows you to download files from the internet and save them on remote hosts. The get_url module provides various options to customize the download process, including authentication, headers, and checksum verification.
Ansible Fetch Module
Ansible Fetch Module
Welcome to the Ansible Fetch Module Lab! In this lab, you will dive into the usage of the Ansible Fetch module. The Fetch module allows you to retrieve files from remote machines and copy them to the control machine where Ansible is being executed. This is useful when you need to collect specific files or artifacts from your managed hosts.
Ansible File Module
Ansible File Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible File module, which allows you to manage files and directories on remote hosts. The File module provides a wide range of functionalities, such as creating, deleting, modifying permissions, and checking the existence of files and directories.
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