Ansible Tutorials

Ansible presents a systematic approach to learning IT automation and configuration management. Our tutorials cover Ansible playbooks, roles, and modules, suitable for beginners and experienced DevOps professionals. Through hands-on labs and real-world examples, you'll gain practical experience in automating infrastructure tasks. Our configuration management playground allows you to experiment with Ansible in a simulated environment.

Online Ansible Playground
Online Ansible Playground
The LabEx Ansible Playground provides a comprehensive online environment for learning and practicing Ansible automation
Ansible Roles
Ansible Roles
Learn Ansible Roles to organize and structure your Ansible code in a modular and reusable way. Learn to create, expand, use, and manage dependencies in Ansible Roles for efficient configuration management.
Ansible Script Module
Ansible Script Module
In this lab, you will learn how to use the Ansible Script module to execute custom scripts on remote hosts. The Script module allows you to run scripts written in any programming language on the target hosts, providing flexibility and customization options in your automation tasks.
Ansible Jinja2 Templates
Ansible Jinja2 Templates
Learn Jinja2, the powerful templating engine used by Ansible, to create dynamic and flexible configurations for your infrastructure automation.
Ansible Installation on Ubuntu
Ansible Installation on Ubuntu
Learn the installation of Ansible on Ubuntu with this hands-on lab. Learn to update system packages, install Ansible, configure SSH for seamless automation, set up an Ansible inventory, and test connectivity. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills to begin your journey with Ansible for efficient system management and automation.
Ansible Stat Module
Ansible Stat Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible Stat module, which allows you to gather information about files and directories on remote hosts. The Stat module provides various attributes and information, such as file size, ownership, permissions, and modification timestamps.
Manage Multiple Ansible Inventories
Manage Multiple Ansible Inventories
In Ansible, managing multiple inventories can be a common scenario, especially in complex environments with different groups of hosts or separate environments. In this lab, you will learn how to work with multiple inventories in Ansible. You will learn how to define and organize multiple inventories, access hosts from different inventories, and perform operations across multiple inventories.
Ansible Playbook Basics
Ansible Playbook Basics
Learn the fundamentals of Ansible playbooks in this hands-on lab. Learn to create your first playbook, understand playbook structure, and incorporate variables into your automation scripts. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills for crafting effective Ansible playbooks, from basic task execution to dynamic variable usage.
Ansible Copy Module
Ansible Copy Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible Copy module, which allows you to copy files and directories to remote hosts. The Copy module provides a flexible and efficient way to transfer files as part of your Ansible automation tasks.
Ansible File Module
Ansible File Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible File module, which allows you to manage files and directories on remote hosts. The File module provides a wide range of functionalities, such as creating, deleting, modifying permissions, and checking the existence of files and directories.
Ansible Cron Module
Ansible Cron Module
Welcome to the Ansible Cron Module Lab! In this lab, you will learn how to automate the scheduling of tasks using the Ansible Cron module. The lab consists of several steps, each building upon the previous one to gradually increase the complexity of managing cron jobs with Ansible. By the end of this lab, you will have a solid understanding of how to use the Ansible Cron module for scheduling tasks.
Ansible Groups Inventory
Ansible Groups Inventory
Learn Ansible inventory management in this hands-on lab. Learn to create and configure Ansible groups, set up SSH access, build basic inventories, group hosts effectively, create hierarchical structures, and assign variables to groups. This step-by-step guide will enhance your skills in Ansible infrastructure automation, from basic inventory creation to advanced group configurations.
Ansible get_url Module
Ansible get_url Module
In this lab, you will explore the Ansible get_url module, which allows you to download files from the internet and save them on remote hosts. The get_url module provides various options to customize the download process, including authentication, headers, and checksum verification.
Ansible Command Module
Ansible Command Module
Learn the Ansible Command module in this hands-on lab. Learn to execute remote commands, use variables, capture and process command output, work with module options, and apply the Command module in real-world scenarios. This step-by-step guide will enhance your skills in Ansible automation, from basic command execution to advanced output processing and service management.
Ansible Conditionals and Loops
Ansible Conditionals and Loops
Learn Ansible conditionals and loops to create more dynamic and efficient playbooks. Learn to use conditional statements for task execution control and implement various loop techniques for repetitive tasks automation.
Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands
Ansible Ad-Hoc Commands
Learn Ansible ad-hoc commands in this hands-on lab. Learn the structure of ad-hoc commands, use the Command module for quick tasks, and explore other useful modules for file operations and system information gathering. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills for rapid automation and quick system management tasks using Ansible's powerful ad-hoc command capabilities.
Ansible Configuration
Ansible Configuration
Learn Ansible configuration in this hands-on lab. Learn to understand default settings, create custom configuration files, and test your configurations. This step-by-step guide will equip you with essential skills for customizing Ansible's behavior, from viewing default configurations to implementing and testing your own custom settings.
How to verify a file has been successfully copied to the remote host
How to verify a file has been successfully copied to the remote host
Discover how to ensure Ansible file transfers are successful by verifying the file copy process. Learn troubleshooting techniques to identify and resolve any issues during the file transfer.
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