MySQL Tutorials

MySQL provides a structured learning path for relational database management. Our tutorials cover SQL queries, database design, and optimization techniques, suitable for beginners and intermediate developers. With free labs and practical examples, you'll gain hands-on experience in database operations. Our interactive database playground allows you to practice SQL queries and see immediate results.

Setting Up a LAMP Server
Setting Up a LAMP Server
In this lab, you'll learn how to configure and deploy a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack to create a dynamic web server. LAMP is a widely used open-source web server environment that combines the Linux operating system, Apache HTTP server, MySQL database, and PHP scripting language. These components form a powerful platform for building web applications. In this lab, we'll set up a LAMP server and deploy a WordPress blog to understand how this stack works.
Installation and Basic Configuration of MySQL
Installation and Basic Configuration of MySQL
Learn how to install, secure, and perform basic operations in MySQL, a popular open-source relational database management system. This lab covers verifying installation, securing the MySQL instance, accessing the MySQL shell, creating databases and tables, and performing basic data operations.
Explore MySQL System Tables
Explore MySQL System Tables
Learn how to start the MySQL service and explore system databases and tables to gain insights into MySQL's internal structure and management.
Querying Country Codes Range
Querying Country Codes Range
In this project, you will learn how to retrieve countries that speak the same official language as the country with the country code 'FRO' using a multi-row subquery operation in MySQL.
SQL Subqueries for Data Analysis
SQL Subqueries for Data Analysis
In this project, you will learn how to use subqueries to retrieve relevant information from the employee (emp) and department (dept) tables in the personnel database. You will practice writing complex SQL queries to access and analyze data from multiple tables.
Query City Names with Country
Query City Names with Country
In this project, you will learn how to execute an equal join query on the city, country, and countrylanguage tables in MySQL. The goal is to retrieve the city name, corresponding country name, and language from these tables.
Obtain Pi with Two Decimals
Obtain Pi with Two Decimals
In this project, you will learn how to obtain the value of Pi rounded to two decimal places using an SQL statement in the MySQL client.
Printing Current Time with MySQL
Printing Current Time with MySQL
In this project, you will learn how to print the current time using SQL statements in the MySQL client.
Number of Users with Modify Permissions
Number of Users with Modify Permissions
In this project, you will learn how to retrieve the number of users with modify permissions from the user table in a MySQL database.
SQL Querying for Employee Data
SQL Querying for Employee Data
In this project, you will learn how to use SQL queries to filter and retrieve data from a database table. You will practice using the SELECT, FROM, WHERE, and LIMIT clauses, as well as various comparison and logical operators, to query the employee information stored in the emp table of the personnel database.
Database Management with SQL
Database Management with SQL
In this project, you will learn how to delete a specific table in the world database and empty another table without dropping its structure. This project is designed to help you understand database management and SQL commands.
Country GNP and Population Query
Country GNP and Population Query
In this project, you will learn how to query the GNP (Gross National Product) and population of countries with a higher GNP than France using a single row subquery operation on the country table in a MySQL database.
Countries with 1 Billion+ Population
Countries with 1 Billion+ Population
In this project, you will learn how to access MySQL, import data, and query information about countries with a population exceeding 1 billion. You will gain hands-on experience in working with MySQL databases and writing SQL queries to retrieve specific data.
Cities with Over One Million Population
Cities with Over One Million Population
In this project, you will learn how to access MySQL, import data, and query cities with a population over one million from the city table.
Course Schedule CRUD with MyBatis
Course Schedule CRUD with MyBatis
In this project, you will learn how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on a course schedule table using MyBatis, a popular Java persistence framework.
Manage MySQL User Permissions
Manage MySQL User Permissions
In this project, you will learn how to manage user permissions in a MySQL database. Specifically, you will create a new local user named 'Rong' and grant them access to the performance_schema database.
Database Management Fundamentals
Database Management Fundamentals
Previously, we have covered the process of installing a MySQL server, connecting to it using a client and performing some basic administration tasks.
Modify and Delete
Modify and Delete
In today's lab, we will learn and practice how to modify, delete, rename the database table and the contents of the table and other operations.
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