Shell Tutorials

Dive into the world of Shell with LabEx's extensive collection of tutorials. Enhance your skills and efficiency through hands-on learning experiences in our interactive Playground environment.

File Packing and Compression
File Packing and Compression
In this lab, we will introduce some Linux compression/decompression tools, precisely zip and tar.
Introduction to Linux
Introduction to Linux
This Lab introduces the history and some of the basic concepts of Linux, such as shell commands and shortcuts. If you have already learned that, you can skip this Lab and start the next one directly.
Linux Deploy LNMP
Linux Deploy LNMP
LNMP combines four open-source software components: Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. This stack is often used to power dynamic web applications and websites. Here's a brief overview of each component:
Linux rm Command: File Removing
Linux rm Command: File Removing
This tutorial provides an overview of the rm command in Linux. It covers the basic usage, various parameters, and examples to help users understand and effectively use the rm command for file and directory removal.
Linux mkdir Command: Directory Creating
Linux mkdir Command: Directory Creating
This tutorial introduces the mkdir command in Linux, focusing on its role in creating directories within the file system.
Linux mv Command: File Moving/Renaming
Linux mv Command: File Moving/Renaming
This tutorial provides an overview of the mv command in Linux. The mv command is used for moving or renaming files and directories within a Linux environment. Understanding its basic usage and various options is essential for efficient file management.
Linux ls Command: Content Listing
Linux ls Command: Content Listing
This tutorial provides an in-depth understanding of the ls command in Linux, including its purpose and usage. The ls command is a fundamental tool for listing files and directories in a given directory.
Linux cd Command: Directory Changing
Linux cd Command: Directory Changing
This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide on the cd command in Linux, a fundamental command used for navigating the file system.
Linux cp Command: File Copying
Linux cp Command: File Copying
This tutorial provides an overview of the cp command in Linux. The cp command is used to copy files and directories from one location to another. Understanding the basic usage and various options of the cp command is essential for effective file duplication and backup.
Initialize Git Project
Initialize Git Project
This lab provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a new Git repository using the git init command, and how to clone an existing Git repository using the git clone command.
Git Config Management
Git Config Management
In this lab, you will learn how to use git config command to manage your Git configuration. The git config command is used to set and view configuration variables that control all aspects of how Git behaves. This lab will cover the following:
Your First Linux Lab
Your First Linux Lab
Hi there, welcome to LabEx! In this first lab, you'll learn the classic 'Hello, World!' program in Linux.
Linux Logical Commands and Redirection
Linux Logical Commands and Redirection
In this lab, you will learn Linux logical commands (&&, ||, ;, !), redirect command (>, >>), and pipeline commands (|). These commands are some of the most commonly used in Linux and are essential for any programmer or system administrator to know. The lab will be step-by-step and will include code examples that will range from simple to complex.
User Account Management
User Account Management
In this lab, we will introduce how to manage the user account in the Linux platform, such as creating new user accounts, modifying the user account management, and deleting a user account.
User Group Management
User Group Management
In this lab, you will learn how to manage user groups in Linux. You will learn how to create, delete, and manage user groups.
Set Up Scheduled Tasks
Set Up Scheduled Tasks
In this lab, you will learn how to set up scheduled tasks on Linux. You will learn how to use the watch command and the crontab command to schedule a task to run repeatedly.
Simple Text Processing
Simple Text Processing
In this section, we will introduce tr, col, join, and paste and will still review the pipeline to familiarize ourselves with these commands.
Network Information and Test
Network Information and Test
In this lab, you will learn to use some command to get network information and test the network connection.
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