Linux xargs Command: Command Building

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This tutorial provides an introduction to the xargs command in Linux, a utility that allows constructing and executing commands from standard input. The xargs command is particularly useful for handling lists of arguments and transforming them into command lines.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup(["`Basic File Operations`"]) linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup -.-> linux/cat("`File Concatenating`") linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/xargs("`Command Building`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/cat -.-> lab-219201{{"`Linux xargs Command: Command Building`"}} linux/xargs -.-> lab-219201{{"`Linux xargs Command: Command Building`"}} end

xargs Command

The xargs command is a powerful tool for building and executing commands by taking input from standard input or a file.

Command Usage

Let's begin by understanding the basic usage of the xargs command. The xargs command is used to build and execute commands from input provided through standard input or a file. We can use cat to read the file.



cat /home/labex/project/example.txt | xargs echo


apple orange banana

In this example, the xargs command takes input from the cat command, which reads the content of the example.txt file. It then constructs and executes the echo command with the lines from the file as arguments.

Parameters and Usage Examples

The xargs command provides options to customize the way it constructs and executes commands.

Option Parameter

command | xargs [Options] command

  • -n: Specify the maximum number of parameters per row.
  • -P: Specifies the maximum number of processes to run in parallel.
  • -I: Replaces occurrences of the specified string with input values.

Example Usage

1. Limiting Arguments per Command (-n)

The -n option limits the number of arguments passed to each command.


cat /home/labex/project/example.txt | xargs -n 1 echo



2. Running Commands in Parallel (-P, -I)

In this example, the -P 2 option allows xargs to run commands in parallel, and -I {} specifies a placeholder for the input. Each line is processed independently in parallel.


cat /home/labex/project/example.txt | xargs -P 2 -I {} echo "Fruit: {}"


Fruit: apple
Fruit: orange
Fruit: banana


The xargs command is a versatile tool for constructing and executing commands from input lists. Whether reading input from standard input, a file, or limiting the number of arguments, the xargs command provides flexibility for handling and transforming lists of arguments into command lines.

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