JavaScript Tutorials

JavaScript is a programming language that can be used to create interactive web pages. Every modern web browser has built-in support for JavaScript, so it's easy to get started with this skill tree.

Online JavaScript Playground
Online JavaScript Playground
Discover the power of JavaScript with our intuitive online playground, where you can write, test, and refine your code seamlessly.
Replace or Append Array Value
Replace or Append Array Value
In this lab, we will work on a JavaScript programming exercise that involves replacing or appending values in an array based on a comparison function. Through this exercise, you will learn how to use the spread operator, Array.prototype.findIndex(), Array.prototype.push(), and Array.prototype.splice() to manipulate arrays in JavaScript. This lab will help you improve your skills in working with arrays and functions in JavaScript.
Map Array to Object
Map Array to Object
In this lab, we will learn how to map the values of an array to an object using a function in JavaScript. The lab will walk you through the process of using Array.prototype.reduce() to apply a function to each element in an array and combine the results into an object. You will also learn how to use the element as the key and the result of the function as the value for each property.
Check if Absolute URL
Check if Absolute URL
In this lab, we will dive into the world of JavaScript programming and explore various concepts such as variables, data types, conditional statements, loops, and functions. Through a series of hands-on exercises and coding challenges, you will learn how to write clean and efficient JavaScript code, and gain a solid understanding of the fundamental principles that underpin this powerful programming language. By the end of this lab, you will be equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to tackle more complex JavaScript projects with confidence.
Get Base URL
Get Base URL
In this lab, we will explore the fundamentals of JavaScript programming language. You will learn how to write basic syntax, manipulate data types, use conditional statements, loops, and functions. By the end of this lab, you will have a solid foundation in JavaScript and be able to create simple programs.
Value Is Stream
Value Is Stream
In this lab, we will explore fundamental concepts of JavaScript programming language. This lab is designed to help beginners develop their skills in JavaScript programming by providing hands-on experience with various programming tasks. By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of core JavaScript concepts such as variables, data types, functions, and control structures. This lab will serve as a strong foundation for your journey towards becoming a proficient JavaScript developer.
Word Wrap String
Word Wrap String
In this lab, we will be exploring the concept of string manipulation in JavaScript. Specifically, we will be focusing on the wordWrap function which allows us to wrap a string to a given number of characters using a string break character. By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of how to manipulate strings in JavaScript to achieve specific formatting requirements.
Order Array of Objects
Order Array of Objects
In this lab, we will explore how to sort an array of objects based on the properties and orders provided. We will use the Array.prototype.sort() method and the Array.prototype.reduce() method to achieve this. The lab will provide a practical understanding of how to manipulate arrays of objects in JavaScript.
String Manipulation with JavaScript
String Manipulation with JavaScript
In this lab, we will explore the concept of string manipulation in JavaScript. Specifically, we will focus on removing whitespaces from strings using regular expressions. Through a series of exercises and examples, we will gain a deeper understanding of how to use the String.prototype.replace() method to remove whitespace characters and create cleaner, more manageable strings.
Composing Functions Left to Right
Composing Functions Left to Right
In this lab, we will explore the concept of function composition in JavaScript. Specifically, we will focus on the composeRight function, which allows us to combine multiple functions into a single function that is executed from left to right. Through practical examples, we will see how function composition can simplify our code and make it more modular.
Pull Values From Array
Pull Values From Array
In this lab, we will explore how to manipulate arrays in JavaScript by creating a function that filters out specified values from an array and mutates the original array. We will make use of built-in Array methods such as filter(), includes(), and push() to achieve this functionality. By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of how to manipulate arrays in JavaScript.
Map an Array to an Object
Map an Array to an Object
In this lab, we will explore how to map an object array to an object using the provided mapping functions. We will use the Array.prototype.reduce() method to map the array, and the mapKey and mapValue functions to map the keys and values of the resulting object respectively. By the end of this lab, you will have a better understanding of how to transform data structures in JavaScript.
Logical and for Functions
Logical and for Functions
In this lab, we will be exploring the concept of higher-order functions in JavaScript. Specifically, we will focus on creating a function that checks if two given functions return true for a given set of arguments using the logical and operator. Through this lab, you will gain a deeper understanding of how to manipulate functions in JavaScript and how to use them to write more complex and efficient code.
Array Is Contained in Other Array
Array Is Contained in Other Array
In this lab, we will explore how to check if one array is contained in another array in JavaScript. We will use various array methods such as for...of, Set, some(), and filter() to write a function that can determine if the elements of the first array are present in the second array, regardless of their order. This lab will help you understand how to manipulate arrays in JavaScript and write efficient code to solve common programming problems.
Every NTH Element
Every NTH Element
In this lab, we will explore the concept of higher-order functions in JavaScript. We will learn how to use built-in higher-order functions such as map(), filter(), and reduce() to manipulate and transform arrays. By the end of this lab, you will have a solid understanding of higher-order functions and be able to apply them in your own JavaScript projects.
Array Is Sorted
Array Is Sorted
In this lab, we will be working with the isSorted function in JavaScript to determine whether a numeric array is sorted in ascending or descending order. We will use the Math.sign() method to convert the final direction value to -1 for descending order and 1 for ascending order. We will also handle cases where the array is empty, has only one element, or the direction changes for any pair of adjacent array elements.
Implementing the Summary
Implementing the Summary
In this lab, set in the bustling startup scene of 'FinTech Valley', you'll step into the shoes of Alex, a budding software engineer tasked with enhancing the financial tracking system for a rapidly growing tech company. The company's financial team needs a dynamic way to view the overall financial health of the organization. Your goal is to implement a feature in their existing web-based accounting application that calculates and displays the total income, total expenses, and net balance, providing real-time financial insights.
Enhancing Personal Finance Tracker
Enhancing Personal Finance Tracker
In this Lab, Alex's journey through the development of the personal finance tracker enters an advanced stage, focusing on enhancing the application's interactivity through sophisticated event handling techniques. The scene is set in a brainstorming session at the tech startup, where Alex proposes adding a drag-and-drop feature to reorder financial records. This ambitious goal aims to provide users with an intuitive way to organize their records, reflecting the fluid nature of personal finance management. Achieving this requires Alex to explore advanced DOM events and manipulate elements in a way that's both visually appealing and user-friendly.
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