Online C++ Playground

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The LabEx platform provides a C++ Playground environment where users can quickly experience C++ related technologies. The C++ Playground offers a convenient and interactive way to explore and learn C++ programming without the need for local setup.

Skills Graph

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The C++ Playground runs on the Ubuntu 22.04 operating system. To get started, you can create a "Hello World" C++ project in the Playground, which will help you quickly understand how to experience the C++ Playground.

Here are the steps to create a "Hello World" project in the C++ Playground:

  1. VS Code Interface: The C++ Playground provides a VS Code-based interface. You can open the VS Code interface and create a new C++ file. Write the "Hello World" code in the file and save it. Then, you can compile and run the code to see the output.
  2. Desktop Interface: The C++ Playground also offers a desktop-based interface. In this interface, you can find the necessary tools and utilities to write, compile, and run C++ code, including a terminal, text editor, and compiler.
  3. Web Terminal Interface: Additionally, the C++ Playground provides a web-based terminal interface. In this interface, you can directly interact with the Ubuntu environment and run C++ commands, including compiling and executing the "Hello World" program.


Here is an example of a "Hello World" C++ program that you can run in the C++ Playground:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

In the terminal:

g++ hello.cpp -o hello
C++ Playground


The LabEx C++ Playground provides a convenient and interactive environment for users to quickly experience C++ programming. With the three different user interfaces (VS Code, Desktop, and Web Terminal), users can choose the most suitable option to explore and learn C++ according to their preferences and needs.

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