Hands-On Tutorials

Step-by-Step Interactive Guides Covering Linux, DevOps, Programming in Python/C/C++/Go, Data Science, Web Development, Hadoop, and More.

Your First Linux Lab
Your First Linux Lab
Hi there, welcome to LabEx! In this first lab, you'll learn the classic 'Hello, World!' program in Linux.
Datopia with Hadoop Yarn
Datopia with Hadoop Yarn
In a whimsical land called Datopia, where information flows like streams of pure knowledge, there lived a curious being named Datina. Datina's sole purpose was to understand the intricate workings of the data realm and harness its potential. One day, Datina stumbled upon a mysterious force known as Hadoop, a powerful tool capable of processing vast amounts of data. However, to fully unleash its capabilities, Datina needed to master the art of executing Yarn commands and manipulating jar files.
Python Itertools for Efficient Combinatorics
Python Itertools for Efficient Combinatorics
Itertools is a powerful Python module that provides a set of fast, memory-efficient, and flexible tools for working with iterators. These tools are handy for solving a variety of combinatorial problems and can save you time and effort when dealing with large data sets. In this tutorial, we'll explore some key functions of the Itertools module and provide examples to help you understand their use.
NumPy Einsum for Scientific Computing
NumPy Einsum for Scientific Computing
In scientific computing, it is often necessary to perform various linear algebra operations. NumPy is a popular Python library that provides efficient and convenient tools for performing such operations. One of the most powerful tools in NumPy is einsum, which stands for Einstein Summation.
Docker Network Basics
Docker Network Basics
This tutorial will cover the basics of using Docker networks. We will start with simple examples and move on to more complicated scenarios.
Python Operators for Decision-Making
Python Operators for Decision-Making
In this lab, you will practice using different types of operators in Python. Specifically, you will work with comparison operators, Boolean operators, and mixing operators. By the end of this lab, you will be able to use these operators to make decisions and perform calculations in your Python code.
Python Loops and Ranges
Python Loops and Ranges
In this lab, you will learn how to use for loop statements and the range() function in Python. For loop statements allow you to iterate over a sequence of elements, such as a list or a string. The range() function is a built-in function that returns a sequence of numbers, starting from 0 by default, increments by 1 (also by default), and ends at a specified number.
Python Regular Expressions
Python Regular Expressions
Regular expressions, also known as 'regex,' are a powerful tool for working with strings. They can be used to search, edit, and manipulate text in a variety of ways. In this lab, you will learn the basics of working with regular expressions in Python.
Python's Conditional Statements
Python's Conditional Statements
In this experiment, we will explore how to use if statements in Python. if statements allow you to execute code only if a certain condition is met. This is a fundamental concept in programming that allows you to control the flow of your program based on different conditions.
Java Array Initialization Techniques
Java Array Initialization Techniques
In this lab, you will learn the different ways to initialize an array in Java. You will also learn how to use the Scanner class to take user input, how to use nested loops to initialize a 2D array, how to initialize an array at the time of declaration, and how to use different methods like Arrays.fill(), Arrays.setAll(), and ArrayUtils.clone().
Java Ternary Operator
Java Ternary Operator
In this lab, you will learn how to use the ternary operator in Java to replace if-else statements. The ternary operator is used to write conditional statements in a single line, making the code cleaner and more readable. You will learn how to use the ternary operator and how to nest it.
SQL's SELECT Statement
SQL's SELECT Statement
SELECT statement, one of the most commonly used statements in SQL, is used to select data in a table. This lab will learn SELECT and how to apply it to real practices.
Java Generics Concepts
Java Generics Concepts
Generics in Java allow writing flexible and reusable code by providing an additional layer of abstraction. They allow creating a single algorithm for multiple types of objects. Generics provide type safety and avoid runtime errors. In this lab, we will understand various aspects of Generics in Java.
Java TreeMap Data Structure
Java TreeMap Data Structure
The TreeMap class in Java is a part of the Java Collection Interface and implements the Map interface. It stores the key-value pairs in a sorted order unlike other Map implementations. In this lab, you will learn how to use the TreeMap class effectively in your Java programs.
Python Dictionaries: Key-Value Pairs
Python Dictionaries: Key-Value Pairs
Dictionaries are a fundamental data structure in Python. They allow you to store key-value pairs and are often used to represent real-world objects or concepts. In this challenge, you will be working with dictionaries and their values.
HTML Variable Declarations
HTML Variable Declarations
The <var> tag is used in HTML to represent a variable in a program or a mathematical equation. It works similar to the <strong> or <em> tag but instead of emphasizing text, it shows textual content as a variable.
NumPy Broadcasting for Efficient Computation
NumPy Broadcasting for Efficient Computation
Broadcasting is a powerful feature in NumPy that allows arrays with different shapes to be used in arithmetic operations. It provides a way to vectorize array operations and improve computational efficiency. This lab will guide you through the basics of broadcasting in NumPy.
Java Hashing and HashCode
Java Hashing and HashCode
In this lab, we will learn about the hashCode() method in Java. Hashing is a technique used to generate a unique value for a given key. Hashing is used to implement Hash Tables and these data structures provide a faster and more efficient way to lookup data. The hashCode() method returns an integer value for a given key. We will learn how to use the hashCode() method and the importance of writing a strong hashCode() method.
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