Linux Line Merging

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In a desolate future where glaciers cover the majority of the Earth's surface, humanity has survived in isolated pockets of civilization. Amidst this icy expanse, intrepid explorers brave the cold to uncover the secrets locked within the frozen landscapes. One such explorer, Dr. Ava Frost, has set out on a mission to compile a comprehensive dataset from various climate sensors spread across the glaciers.

Dr. Frost must process large amounts of data efficiently to predict future climate trends and possibly find a way to reverse the expanding ice age. The key to her success lies in the mastery of Linux tools, specifically the paste command, to merge lines of files effectively. By mastering this skill, she aims to create a powerful interconnected dataset that will help her in her research. This lab provides an immersive learning experience to help you, as Dr. Frost's apprentice, become proficient in merging lines of text using the powerful paste command in Linux.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/TextProcessingGroup(["`Text Processing`"]) linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/paste("`Line Merging`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/paste -.-> lab-271349{{"`Linux Line Merging`"}} end

Introduction to paste

In this step, you will learn how to use the paste command to merge lines of text from multiple files. This tool is essential for Dr. Frost as she needs to combine data from different sensors into a single, coherent dataset.

First, navigate to the working directory using the command:

cd ~/project

Create two sample text files with sensor data:

echo "Temperature" > temperatures.txt
echo -e "Pressure\nHumidity\nWind_Speed" > conditions.txt

Now, let's combine the contents of these files side-by-side:

paste temperatures.txt conditions.txt

This command should output the following:

Temperature Pressure

As you can see, the paste command by default merges the files line by line with a tab as a delimiter. The contents of the first file are placed before those of the second.

Merging Multiple Files with Delimiters

Dr. Frost often encounters the need to organize data with custom delimiters for better visualization. In this step, you'll learn to use specific delimiters when merging lines using paste.

Create another file representing a new sensor dataset:

echo -e "Date\n2023-04-01\n2023-04-02\n2023-04-03" > dates.txt

Use paste to merge the three files with a comma as a delimiter:

paste -d ',' temperatures.txt conditions.txt dates.txt

This should result in the merger of all three files' content in a single line, separated by commas:


Making use of the -d option allows specific delimiters between columns instead of the default tab character.

Serial Merging

Sometimes, Dr. Frost needs to analyze data sequentially instead of in parallel. The paste command can merge each file into a line using the -s option.

Let's merge the temperature and conditions files serially:

paste -s temperatures.txt conditions.txt

You should see the following output:

Pressure        Humidity        Wind_Speed

The -s option has combined the content and merge each file into a line, placing each file's contents below the previous one.


In this lab, you've learned how to use the paste command to merge lines from multiple files, both parallel and serially, with the ability to specify delimiters. These skills are the building blocks for manipulating and preparing data for analysis, much like Dr. Frost needs for her critical research in the glacial world. You've taken the first step to become an adept Linux user that can proficiently manage datasets and contribute to meaningful scientific endeavors.

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