Linux Network Connecting

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Welcome to the Supernatural Academy's digital realm, a place where the lines between magic and technology blur. As the academy's esteemed Librarian of Digital Arts, you are in charge of safeguarding the ancient and mystical texts that have been digitized for the 21st century. However, with great digitization comes great responsibilityโ€”the security of these texts relies on a well-maintained and secure network.

In this lab, you will be thrust into the supernatural realms of network connections. You will learn how to use telnet, an almost arcane utility in the realm of network administration, to connect to remote systems and manage resources. While it is an older tool, understanding its mechanics is crucial for any aspiring Network Sorcerer.

The ultimate goal of this lab is not only to learn and master the telnet command but also to enhance the security of our Supernatural Academy's library by successfully connecting to and interacting with remote magical archives without leaving traces for potential digital warlocks to follow. Prepare your wands and keyboards; this is where your adventure begins.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/RemoteAccessandNetworkingGroup(["`Remote Access and Networking`"]) linux/RemoteAccessandNetworkingGroup -.-> linux/telnet("`Network Connecting`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/telnet -.-> lab-271401{{"`Linux Network Connecting`"}} end

Understanding and Using Telnet

In this step, we will dive straight into the basics of telnet and how to utilize it to connect to a remote server. By ensuring we can connect to a server, we will lay the foundation for securing our mystical archive access. In the /home/labex/project directory, create a simple text file named server_list.txt where we will keep the details of the servers we wish to connect to. Ensure you are in the correct directory is ~/project.

touch ~/project/server_list.txt
echo " 23" > ~/project/server_list.txt

Next, you'll try connecting to the server listed in your file using telnet:

telnet $(cat ~/project/server_list.txt)

Before you proceed, please replace "" and "23" with the actual remote host and port you are assigned for this lab.

Once connected, you can try issuing simple commands like ls to list files or exit to quit the telnet session. Remember that telnet transmits data in plain text, which is why we are only using it in a controlled lab environment.

Securing Telnet Connections

Now that you've connected to the server using telnet, it's time to make sure that all traces of your activity vanish like a ghost in the night. You'll be creating a simple shell script named that deletes the entry of telnet usage from your .zsh_history.

In the ~/project directory create the file:

touch ~/project/

Inside the file, add the following code:

sed -i '/telnet/d' ~/.zsh_history ## This line deletes any telnet command from your history

After saving and closing the file, make the script executable:

chmod +x ~/project/

Run the script to clean up your telnet trails:



In this lab, we've taken a mystical journey through the supernatural realms of network connections using the ancient tool known as telnet. You've learned how to connect to remote servers, execute basic commands, and most importantly, cover your tracks to ensure the security of the Supernatural Academy's digital archives.

Through the creation and execution of scripts, and direct hands-on experience, you've made considerable strides in understanding the foundational aspects of Linux networking. Remember that while telnet is an older tool, the concepts and skills you've learned here are transferable to more modern and secure protocols.

May this knowledge serve you well in your future endeavors, whether they be in securing magical texts or in maintaining the vast networks of the digital world. Good luck, and may your connections always be secure!

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