Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security

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In this lab, you will learn about Nmap SYN scanning, a key technique in network security for stealthy port reconnaissance. SYN scanning efficiently identifies open ports on a target system without fully establishing a TCP connection, making it less detectable than traditional methods. This is crucial for security professionals to assess network vulnerabilities and enhance defenses.

By the end of this lab, you will understand how to conduct SYN scans, interpret their results, and recognize their significance in network security assessments.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL nmap(("Nmap")) -.-> nmap/NmapGroup(["Nmap"]) nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/installation("Installation and Setup") nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/save_output("Save Output to File") nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/port_scanning("Port Scanning Methods") nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/target_specification("Target Specification") nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/syn_scan("SYN Scan") nmap/NmapGroup -.-> nmap/service_detection("Service Detection") subgraph Lab Skills nmap/installation -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} nmap/save_output -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} nmap/port_scanning -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} nmap/target_specification -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} nmap/syn_scan -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} nmap/service_detection -.-> lab-415934{{"Conduct Nmap SYN Scans for Network Security"}} end

Creating a Target Service for Scanning

In this step, we're going to create a controlled environment where you can practice Nmap SYN scanning. Before you start scanning any network or system, it's crucial to understand that ethical scanning requires proper authorization. To avoid any legal issues, we'll set up our own service that we can scan safely.

  1. First, you need to open a terminal. A terminal is a text-based interface that allows you to interact with your computer's operating system by typing commands. Once you've opened the terminal, you'll navigate to your project directory. The project directory is where all the files related to this experiment will be stored. Use the following command to change the current directory to the project directory:

    cd /home/labex/project
  2. Now, we'll use Python, a popular programming language, to create a simple HTTP server. An HTTP server is a software that can serve web pages to clients, like web browsers. Python has built-in capabilities that make it easy to set up such a server. We'll use this server as the target for our Nmap SYN scan. Run the following command in the terminal:

    python -m http.server --bind localhost 8080 &

    This command starts a simple web server on port 8080. A port is a communication endpoint in a computer's network. Different services use different ports to communicate. The & at the end of the command runs the server in the background. This means that the server will keep running, and you can continue using the same terminal window to run other commands.

  3. After starting the server, we need to verify that it's actually running. We can do this by checking the open network connections on our system. The ss command is a tool that can display socket statistics, which includes information about open network connections. We'll use it to check if our server is listening on port 8080. Run the following command:

    ss -tulwn | grep 8080

    The | is a pipe operator that takes the output of the ss command and uses it as the input for the grep command. The grep command searches for the string 8080 in the output of the ss command. If the server is running, you should see output similar to this:

    tcp   LISTEN 0      1  *

    This output indicates that the server is listening on port 8080, which means it's successfully running and ready to be scanned.

Understanding and Performing an Nmap SYN Scan

Now that we have a target service up and running, it's time to dive into SYN scans. SYN scans are a crucial part of network security testing, allowing us to discover open ports on a target system. In this section, we'll learn about how SYN scans work and then use Nmap, a powerful network scanning tool, to perform a SYN scan against our HTTP server.

What is a SYN Scan?

Before we start the actual scan, it's essential to understand the underlying mechanism of a SYN scan. To do that, let's first look at how a normal TCP connection is established.

Normal TCP Connection

In a normal TCP connection, a three - way handshake takes place. This is a fundamental process for establishing a reliable connection between a client and a server:

  • Step 1: SYN Packet from Client
    The client initiates the connection by sending a SYN (synchronize) packet to the server. This packet is like a request to start a conversation, asking the server if it's ready to communicate.
  • Step 2: SYN - ACK Packet from Server
    Upon receiving the SYN packet, if the server is available and willing to communicate, it responds with a SYN - ACK (synchronize - acknowledge) packet. This packet acknowledges the client's request and also indicates that the server is ready to start the connection.
  • Step 3: ACK Packet from Client
    Finally, the client sends an ACK (acknowledge) packet to complete the three - way handshake. After this step, the TCP connection is fully established, and data can be exchanged between the client and the server.

SYN Scan Process

A SYN scan, on the other hand, has a different approach:

  • Step 1: SYN Packet from Nmap
    Nmap, our scanning tool, sends the initial SYN packet to the target port. This is similar to the first step in a normal TCP connection.
  • Step 2: SYN - ACK Response from Target
    If the target port is open, it will respond with a SYN - ACK packet, just like in a normal TCP connection.
  • Step 3: Connection Termination by Nmap
    Instead of sending the final ACK packet to complete the handshake, Nmap terminates the connection. This makes the scan less detectable because the full connection is never established. Additionally, it is faster than a full connect scan, which completes the entire three - way handshake for each port being scanned.

Performing the SYN Scan

First, we need to make sure we are in the correct project directory. This is important because we'll be saving the scan results in a file within this directory. To navigate to the project directory, run the following command in your terminal:

cd /home/labex/project

Step 2: Execute the SYN Scan

Now, we're ready to perform the SYN scan using Nmap. Run the following command in your terminal:

sudo nmap -sS localhost -p 8080 > /home/labex/project/nmap-syn-scan-results.txt

Let's break down this command to understand what each part does:

  • sudo: This command is used to run the subsequent command with elevated privileges. SYN scans require root privileges because they involve sending raw network packets, so we need to use sudo to execute the nmap command.
  • nmap: This is the network scanning tool we are using. Nmap is widely used for network exploration and security auditing.
  • -sS: This option specifies that we want to perform a SYN scan.
  • localhost: This is the target of our scan. In this case, we are scanning our own machine.
  • -p 8080: This option tells Nmap to only scan port 8080. We are interested in checking if this specific port is open on our local machine.
  • > /home/labex/project/nmap-syn-scan-results.txt: This part of the command redirects the output of the nmap scan to a file named nmap - syn - scan - results.txt in the project directory. This way, we can review the results later.

Step 3: View the Scan Results

After the scan is complete, we can view the results. Run the following command in your terminal:

cat /home/labex/project/nmap-syn-scan-results.txt

You should see output similar to the following:

Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2023-10-18 12:00 UTC
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up (0.000097s latency).

8080/tcp open  http-proxy

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.03 seconds

This output provides valuable information. It confirms that port 8080 is open on your local machine and that it is running an HTTP service. This information can be used for further security analysis or network troubleshooting.

Analyzing Scan Results and Security Implications

After performing a SYN scan, it's crucial to understand how to interpret the results and their security implications. This step is essential because it helps you identify potential risks in your network. Let's dive into the details.

Interpreting Scan Results

  1. First, let's take a closer look at the scan results. We'll use the cat command to view the contents of the file that stores the Nmap SYN scan results. The cat command is a simple way to display the contents of a file in the terminal.

    cat /home/labex/project/nmap-syn-scan-results.txt

    When you run this command, you'll see an output. Here's what different parts of the output mean:

    • Host is up: This message indicates that the target host is reachable over the network. If the host is up, it means that your scan was able to communicate with the target.
    • The latency value: This shows how quickly the target responded to your scan. A lower latency means the target responded faster.
    • 8080/tcp open: This indicates that port 8080 on the target host is open and ready to accept incoming connections. An open port can be a potential entry point for attackers.
    • http-proxy: This is Nmap's guess at what service is running on port 8080. Nmap tries to identify the service based on the responses it receives during the scan.
  2. In a real - world security assessment, each open port on a target host represents several things:

    • A potential entry point for attackers: Attackers can use open ports to gain access to the target system. For example, if a web server is running on an open port, attackers might try to exploit vulnerabilities in the web application.
    • A service that may have vulnerabilities: Every service running on an open port has the potential to have security flaws. These vulnerabilities can be exploited by attackers to compromise the system.
    • Part of the attack surface that needs to be secured: The attack surface is the sum of all the points where an attacker can try to enter a system. Open ports are part of this attack surface, and they need to be properly secured.

Security Best Practices

When securing a network, you should follow these best practices:

  1. Only necessary ports should be open: Opening unnecessary ports increases the attack surface of your network. By closing unused ports, you reduce the number of potential entry points for attackers.
  2. Each open port should serve a legitimate business purpose: If a port is open, it should be there for a valid reason, such as running a web server or a database service. This helps ensure that your network is used efficiently and securely.
  3. All services should be kept updated to prevent exploitation: Software vendors regularly release updates to fix security vulnerabilities. By keeping your services up - to - date, you can protect your network from known threats.
  4. Firewall rules should restrict access to sensitive ports: Firewalls can be used to control who can access specific ports on your network. By setting up appropriate firewall rules, you can limit access to sensitive ports to only authorized users or systems.

Cleaning Up Our Environment

  1. Now, we need to clean up our environment by stopping the HTTP server we started earlier. First, we need to identify the process ID (PID) of the HTTP server. The PID is a unique number assigned to each running process on the system. We'll use the ps aux command to list all running processes and then filter the results to find the HTTP server process.

    ps aux | grep "http.server" | grep -v grep

    When you run this command, you'll see output similar to the following:

    labex      1234  0.0  0.1  31116  3164 pts/0    S    12:00   0:00 python -m http.server 8080

    The second column in the output shows the PID of the HTTP server process.

  2. Next, we'll use the PID to stop the server. We'll use the kill command, which sends a termination signal to the process. The following command automatically finds and kills the HTTP server process:

    kill $(ps aux | grep "http.server" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

    This command first finds the PID of the HTTP server process using the same filtering method as before and then passes the PID to the kill command.

  3. Finally, we need to verify that the server has stopped. We'll use the ss command, which is used to display socket statistics. By filtering the output to show only information about port 8080, we can check if the server is still running.

    ss -tulwn | grep 8080

    If the server has stopped successfully, there should be no output from this command, indicating that the server is no longer listening on port 8080.


In this lab, you have learned how to perform and understand Nmap SYN scanning, a key technique in network security reconnaissance. You set up a controlled environment using a Python HTTP server, carried out a SYN scan to find open ports, analyzed the results, and cleaned up the testing environment. These skills are essential for ethical network scanning and vulnerability assessment.

Understanding SYN scans enables security professionals to detect potential network vulnerabilities efficiently while reducing the risk of detection. As you progress in your cybersecurity journey, always ensure you have permission to scan networks before applying these techniques.