Linux Directory Changing

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Welcome to the desolate dunes of the Digital Desert, the virtual landscape where our tale unfolds. Amid this barren expanse lies an oasis of knowledge, a place where the tenacious learner can quench their thirst for Linux command-line mastery.

You are the Wild Wheel Racer, an adventurous soul with a passion for speed and agility, not only on the race track but also within the realms of digital navigation. Your goal: to become as proficient in shifting through directories and files in a Linux system as you are in changing gears and lanes.

Embark on this journey through the desert of directories, and by conquering its challenges, you will emerge from the ruins of confusion and cruise into the sunset as a Linux command line champion.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup(["`File and Directory Management`"]) linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/cd("`Directory Changing`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/cd -.-> lab-271237{{"`Linux Directory Changing`"}} end

The Starting Line

In this step, you'll rev up your engine at the starting line and get familiar with the basic command to change directories: cd. Your mission is to navigate from the starting point at /home/labex/project to the ~/project/resources directory, which you'll need to create before venturing forth.

First, ensure that you are in the default working path:


You should see /home/labex/project as the output.

Now, create the resources directory:

mkdir resources

Next, let's change into this newly created directory:

cd resources

Verify that you've arrived at the correct location:


The output should now be /home/labex/project/resources.

The Dusty Trail

Now that you're gaining momentum, let's continue on the dusty trail. Your next challenge is to create a directory structure resembling an engine's components within the resources directory.

First, navigate back to the project directory if you aren't already there:

cd ~/project

Now, create the following structure:

mkdir -p resources/engine/cylinders
mkdir resources/engine/pistons

Verify the structure by listing the contents of resources/engine:

ls resources/engine

You should see cylinders and pistons listed as subdirectories.

Navigate into cylinders:

cd resources/engine/cylinders

Confirm your current location:


The output should now be /home/labex/project/resources/engine/cylinders.


In this lab, we simulated a navigation challenge through the Digital Desert's dunes to build up your cd muscle memory. Creating directory structures and moving through them effortlessly is analogous to shifting gears during a wild car race. I aimed to design this lab to gradually take you through the gears of directory changing, helping you feel the power of command-line control at your fingertips.

Through completing this lab, you've learned key commands like mkdir and cd, and you now understand how vital it is to know your current directory with pwd. I hope you enjoyed your race across this digital desert and gained confidence in your newfound Linux navigation skills. Now, you're ready to take on more complex directory maneuvers and race ahead in your Linux endeavors.

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