Linux Hostname Managing

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In the year 2150, a futuristic underground city thrives beneath the surface of a post-apocalyptic Earth. This subterranean community, known as "Neo Haven," has become a sanctuary for adventurers and technology enthusiasts. Among them, a renowned explorer of Neo Haven's digital realms, codenamed "TerraTechie," is on a mission to manage and maintain the communication networks of this new world.

Within the bustling digital ecosystems, the hostname of a system is more than just an identifier; it's a beacon signaling other community members in the underground network. As TerraTechie, your goal is to master the art of hostname management, ensuring that every node within Neo Haven is correctly identified and can communicate efficiently. Your journey into the heart of Linux hostname management will sharpen your skills and enable you to contribute to the stability and performance of this remarkable underground society.

Your quest is to become adept at altering the very identity of the Linux systems that run Neo Haven. Are you ready to embark on this exhilarating adventure?

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/SystemInformationandMonitoringGroup(["`System Information and Monitoring`"]) linux/SystemInformationandMonitoringGroup -.-> linux/hostname("`Hostname Managing`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/hostname -.-> lab-271303{{"`Linux Hostname Managing`"}} end

Understanding Hostnames

In this step, you will familiarize yourself with the concept of hostnames on Linux systems. A hostname is a label that is assigned to a device connected to a computer network and used to identify the device in various forms of electronic communication.

First, ensure you are in the project directory:

cd ~/project

Let's start by viewing the current hostname:

sudo cat /etc/hostname

In most Linux distributions, the /etc/hostname file contains the system's hostname.

Now, let's see the hostname in another way:


The hostname command without additional options will output the current hostname on the terminal.

labex:project/ $ sudo cat /etc/hostname
labex:project/ $ hostname

Changing the Hostname Temporarily

In this step, we will change the hostname temporarily. This change will last until the system is rebooted.

Let's change the hostname to "terra-explorer":

sudo hostname terra-explorer

Verify the change with:


You should see terra-explorer as output. Remember that this change is temporary and will revert to its original state after rebooting the system.

labex:project/ $ sudo hostname terra-explorer
labex:project/ $ hostname


In this lab, you delved into the essentials of managing hostnames on Linux systems, critical for keeping the networking and identification processes in future urban societies like Neo Haven running smoothly. The design of this lab walked you through practical exercises to both view and modify hostnames temporarily. You not only learned the theoretical concepts behind hostnames but also gained hands-on experience by creating a script for changing them.

By completing this lab, you've equipped yourself with knowledge applicable to real-world network management scenarios, which is a stepping stone to becoming a Linux networking maestro. Enjoy the thrill of mastering hostname management—one of the many keys to unlocking the full potential of Linux systems in TerraTechie's underground city!

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