Modify Kubeconfig Files

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Kubeconfig files are used to configure access to a Kubernetes cluster. They specify the following information:

  • The cluster to use
  • The user to authenticate with
  • The context to use (which combines a cluster and user)

By default, kubectl uses the ~/.kube/config file as the kubeconfig file. However, you can specify a different kubeconfig file with the --kubeconfig flag.

Skills Graph

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View the Kubeconfig File

Before modifying the kubeconfig file, let's view its contents. Use the following command to view the contents of the kubeconfig file:

kubectl config view

This command displays the entire kubeconfig file, including all clusters, users, and contexts.

Add a Cluster to the Kubeconfig File

To add a cluster to the kubeconfig file, use the kubectl config set-cluster command. This command requires the name of the cluster, the server URL, and the certificate authority (CA) data. Here's an example:

kubectl config set-cluster my-cluster \
  --server=https://kubernetes.default.svc \

This command adds a cluster named my-cluster to the kubeconfig file, with the specified server URL and CA data.


Add a User to the Kubeconfig File

To add a user to the kubeconfig file, use the kubectl config set-credentials command. This command requires the name of the user, the user's client certificate, and the user's client key. Here's an example:

kubectl config set-credentials my-user \
  --client-certificate=/home/labex/.minikube/profiles/minikube/client.crt \

This command adds a user named my-user to the kubeconfig file, with the specified client certificate and key.


Create a Context in the Kubeconfig File

To create a context in the kubeconfig file, use the kubectl config set-context command. This command requires the name of the context, the cluster to use, and the user to authenticate with. Here's an example:

kubectl config set-context my-context \
  --cluster=my-cluster \

This command creates a context named my-context in the kubeconfig file, using the my-cluster cluster and the my-user user.


Use a Context in the Kubeconfig File

To use a context in the kubeconfig file, use the kubectl config use-context command. This command requires the name of the context to use. Here's an example:

kubectl config use-context my-context

This command sets the current context to my-context, so all subsequent kubectl commands will use the specified cluster and user.



In this lab, you learned how to modify kubeconfig files using the kubectl command-line tool. You learned how to add a cluster, a user, and a context to the kubeconfig file, and how to use a context to authenticate to a Kubernetes cluster.

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