

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. In this skill tree, you'll learn how to use Kubernetes to deploy and manage applications on a cluster of machines.

28 Skills|2 Courses|13 Projects
Quick Start with Kubernetes
Quick Start with Kubernetes
Quick Start with Kubernetes
Quick Start with Kubernetes
208 Learned
This course is designed to teach you about managing application containers, using Kubernetes. You’ll learn how Kubernetes works and how to use it to deploy and manage applications.
16 Labs
Your First Kubernetes Lab Pro Start
Display Cluster Info Pro Start
Examine Nodes with Kubectl Pro Start
Kubernetes Client and Server Version Pro Start
Running Containers in Pods Pro Start
Scaling and Managing Pods with Deployments Pro Start
Networking Pods with Services Pro Start
Networking With Ingress on Kubernetes Pro Start
Use StatefulSets Controller Pro Start
Running Pod with DaemonSets Pro Start
Run Pods with Jobs and Cronjobs Pro Start
Isolating Workloads With Namespaces Pro Start
Configuring Apps with Secrets Pro Start
Configuring Apps with Configmaps Pro Start
Storing Application Data with Persistentvolumes Pro Start
Kubernetes Dashboard Pro Start
Kubernetes Practice Plus
Kubernetes Practice Plus
3 Learned
In this course, You will practice more labs of Kubernetes. This will help you to master the skills more deeply.
Unlock Your Kubernetes Skills
Completed 0
Locked 28
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