Determine String Length in C++

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In this lab, we will learn how to find the length of a string entered by the user in C++ programming language.

Skills Graph

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Create a new C++ file

Create a new C++ file named main.cpp in the ~/project directory.

cd ~/project
touch main.cpp

Include the necessary header files

In order to work with strings in C++, we need to include certain header files. We will use the <iostream> and <string> header files in our program.

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

Declare a string variable and read the input

We will declare a string variable and read the input entered by the user.

string myString;
cout<<"Enter a string: ";

Calculate the length of the string using length() function

We will calculate the length of the string entered by the user using the length() function.

int length = myString.length();

Display the length of the string

We will display the length of the string calculated in the previous step using the cout statement.

cout<<"The length of the string is: "<< length << endl;

Full code example

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    string myString;
    cout<<"Enter a string: ";
    int length = myString.length();
    cout<<"The length of the string is: "<< length << endl;
    return 0;


In this lab, we learned how to find the length of a string entered by the user using length() function in C++ programming language. We also learned how to display the length of the string in the terminal using cout statement.

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