Linux Variable Declaring

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Welcome to the enchanted land of the Magic Carnivale, where the thrill of spectacle and the wonder of imagination collide. The Carnivale is alive with a sea of vibrant tents, each harboring a treasure trove of marvels. In this extraordinary gathering, you find the tent of a renowned Fantasy Balloon Artist. This artist does not craft their artwork with latex or helium but with the most mystical of materials: strings of code.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to assist the artist in creating the most vivid and dynamic balloon art by leveraging the power of Linux command line. You'll be enacting this through the act of declaring and manipulating variables right within the Linux shell.

The crowd is eager, and the spotlights are on you. Step forward, harness the magic of code, and turn lines into shapes that dance with the carnival's rhythm.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/declare("`Variable Declaring`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/declare -.-> lab-271265{{"`Linux Variable Declaring`"}} end

Setting up Your Booth

In this step, you're setting the stage for your performance. You'll begin by declaring basic variables that will form the foundation of your balloon artistry.

First, create a script called using your preferred text editor:

nano ~/project/

Inside your script, declare a variable named BALLOON_COLOR with the value red. This will be the primary color of your first balloon creation:


declare BALLOON_COLOR="red"

## To view the variable, use:
echo "The balloon color is: $BALLOON_COLOR"

Ensure you save the file and make it executable:

chmod +x ~/project/

Now run your script to see the magic begin:


You should see the output:

The balloon color is: red

Variable Transformation

Building upon the previous step, you'll now venture into transformation. The ability to change your variable values on the fly is essential in the art of Linux balloon crafting.

Edit your script to introduce a new variable BALLOON_SIZE which will determine the size of the balloon:

nano ~/project/

Add the following lines to the script:

declare BALLOON_COLOR="red"
declare -i BALLOON_SIZE=10

## To view the variables, use:
echo "The balloon color is: $BALLOON_COLOR"
echo "The balloon size is: $BALLOON_SIZE inches"

Remember to save the changes and run the script again:


The expected output will include the size:

The balloon color is: red
The balloon size is: 10 inches

A Splash of Creativity

For the final act, you're going to cast a spell that makes your creation come to life with a medley of colors.

Edit your script to include an array of colors:

nano ~/project/

Modify your script as follows:


declare -a BALLOON_COLORS=("red" "green" "blue" "purple" "yellow")

## To showcase all colors:
echo "Available balloon colors are: ${BALLOON_COLORS[*]}"

Don't forget to save and run your script:


This should reveal the grand palette:

Available balloon colors are: red green blue purple yellow


In this lab, you embarked on a whimsical journey through the land of the Magic Carnivale, where you learned the art of declaring and manipulating variables in Linux. You've begun with simple variable declarations, moved on to integer variables, and finally worked with arraysโ€”all vital tools for any aspiring Linux aficionado.

My design philosophy for this lab was to combine learning with fantasy, making for a more engaging and memorable experience. Through this, I hope I've illuminated the path for newcomers to understand the importance and application of variable declarations in Linux while keeping the experience light-hearted and fun. Now you're equipped to craft your own code-driven balloon art and automate with aplomb in the Linux environment. Happy scripting!

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