Linux User Removing

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In this lab, we will simulate a scenario at a futuristic robot factory where you will take on the role of a robot maintenance technician. Your task is to remove user accounts from the Linux system using the userdel command. The factory is undergoing a security update and part of the process involves removing unnecessary user accounts to reduce the potential attack surface.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup(["`User and Group Management`"]) linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/userdel("`User Removing`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/userdel -.-> lab-271425{{"`Linux User Removing`"}} end

Verifying User Account

In this step, you will first verify the existence of the user account that needs to be removed. Ensure that the user account exists before proceeding to remove it.

  1. Create the user for this step using the following command:

    sudo adduser test
  2. Check if the user account exists using the following command:

    cat /etc/passwd | grep 'username'

    Replace 'username' with the actual username to check.

But in this step, replace 'username' with the actual username 'test' to pass the validation script test.

Removing User Account

Once the existence of the user account is verified, proceed to remove the user account using the userdel command.

  1. Remove the user account 'test' by executing:

    sudo userdel 'test'
  2. Test the user account removal by executing:

    sudo grep 'test' /etc/passwd

    If the user account is not found, the output will be empty.


In this lab, we have designed a scenario where you, as a robot maintenance technician, are tasked with removing user accounts from a Linux system to enhance security. By following the steps, you will gain hands-on experience with the userdel command and understand the importance of user management in Linux environments. This lab aims to provide a comprehensive and beginner-friendly learning experience.

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