Linux Non-interactive Downloading

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Welcome to the enchanting world of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, nestled in the Scottish highlands. Here, students are immersed in the magical arts, learning spells, potions, and the care of magical creatures.

In this lab, you'll step into the role of a young wizard named Charlie, part of the Hufflepuff house, known for their dedication and hard work. Charlie has been assigned to gather various materials for the upcoming "Care of Magical Creatures" class. With a list of resources to collect, detailing everything from dragon diet specifics to the migratory patterns of hippogriffs, Charlie has decided to use the art of Linux wizardry to download these resources non-interactively from the internet, using the wget command.

Your goal is to assist Charlie in mastering wget to obtain all the necessary information without any manual intervention, ensuring he's well-prepared for the magical creatures class.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/PackagesandSoftwaresGroup(["`Packages and Softwares`"]) linux/PackagesandSoftwaresGroup -.-> linux/wget("`Non-interactive Downloading`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/wget -.-> lab-271439{{"`Linux Non-interactive Downloading`"}} end

Setting up the Environment

In this step, you'll be preparing the workspace for Charlie to start his downloading tasks. Begin by creating a directory named magical_resources where all the resources will be stored. Then, we'll try our first spell, wget, to download a single file to make sure everything is working properly.

Create the directory with the following command:

mkdir ~/project/magical_resources

Next, use wget to download a sample file:

cd ~/project/magical_resources

The wget command will fetch Python-3.6.1.tgz from and place it into the current directory. You should see output like this:

--2024-01-10 10:14:51--
Resolving (, 2a04:4e42:12::223
Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 22540566 (21M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘Python-3.6.1.tgz’

Python-3.6.1.tgz                  100%[=============================================================>]  21.50M  26.8MB/s    in 0.8s

2024-01-10 10:14:52 (26.8 MB/s) - ‘Python-3.6.1.tgz’ saved [22540566/22540566]

Downloading Specific Resources

Now that Charlie (and you) are familiar with the wget basics, it's time to move on to more challenging tasks. The Care of Magical Creatures class requires information about Hippogriff behavioral patterns. The resource is available online and needs to be downloaded into the magical_resources directory. We'll also learn to rename files upon download using wget.

Retrieve the required document from the Hogwarts library archives:

cd ~/project/magical_resources
wget -O Python3.tgz

The -O Python3.tgz argument tells wget to save the downloaded file as Python3.tgz instead of the default name.

Downloading Multiple Files Non-interactively

Having mastered single-file downloads, it's time for Charlie to amass all the essential documents in one fell swoop. A parchment lists URLs of all required materials, one per line. Charlie will need to download all these resources at once without casting a spell for each.

First, create a file with a list of URLs:

cd ~/project/magical_resources
echo "" > resources.txt
echo "" >> resources.txt

Then use wget to download all listed files in bulk:

wget -i resources.txt

Here, the -i resources.txt option directs wget to read the list of URLs from the resources.txt file and download all the referenced documents.


In this lab, we ventured into the magical realm of Hogwarts and joined Charlie on a quest to master the wget command for non-interactive downloads. You learned how to set up a workspace, use wget to download a single file, rename files on download, and perform multiple file downloads using a list of URLs. By the end, Charlie was able to collect all the needed resources for his class efficiently, thanks to your guidance.

This exercise demonstrated not only how magical Linux commands can be but also the importance of knowing how to harness their power in real-world scenarios. With these skills, you can confidently embark on your Linux adventures, knowing you can summon any file from the vast digital expanse with just a few keystrokes.

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