Linux Text Counting

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In the realm of Codeonia, an ancient Linux arena stands tall, where countless warriors and wizards have battled to master the arcane secrets of text manipulation. Amongst these legendary figures, the most revered is the Wizard of Words, a sorcerer who can predict the outcome of duels by reading and interpreting the scripts of fate with powerful command-line incantations.

You, a young adept of the Linux arts, arrive at the arena with the goal to become an apprentice to the Wizard of Words. But to earn this privilege, you must prove your skills in the formidable challenge of text counting.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup(["`Basic File Operations`"]) linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup -.-> linux/wc("`Text Counting`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/wc -.-> lab-271437{{"`Linux Text Counting`"}} end

Familiarization with wc

In this step, you will familiarize yourself with the wc command, which is a powerful spell in the Linux text processing arsenal.

Create a text file named duel.txt in the ~/project directory with the following shell command:

echo "In Codeonia, every duel script tells a tale of command mastery." > ~/project/duel.txt

Now use the wc command to count the lines, words, and characters in the duel.txt file:

wc ~/project/duel.txt

You should see output similar to this:

1 11 64 ~/project/duel.txt

This output tells you that the file contains 1 line, 11 words, and 64 characters. Understanding this basic usage of wc prepares you for the tasks ahead.

Counting Words in Multiple Files

For this step, you are tasked by the Wizard of Words to count the words in multiple scrolls at once. Create two more files named scroll1.txt and scroll2.txt in ~/project with the following commands:

echo "The swift brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." > ~/project/scroll1.txt
echo "A quick movement of the enemy will jeopardize six gunboats." > ~/project/scroll2.txt

To count the words in both scroll1.txt and scroll2.txt, use:

wc -w ~/project/scroll1.txt ~/project/scroll2.txt

The expected output will be:

9 ~/project/scroll1.txt
10 ~/project/scroll2.txt
19 total

This indicates that scroll1.txt contains 9 words, scroll2.txt contains 10 words, and together they contain a total of 19 words.


In this lab, you embarked on a quest in the Linux arena to master the art of text counting with the wc command. You've learned how to count lines, words, and characters in a single file, as well as total word counts across multiple files. This adventure has not only deepened your knowledge of text manipulation but also brought you one step closer to becoming an apprentice to the Wizard of Words.

I designed this lab to be accessible to novices, ensuring each step builds upon the previous one with clear instructions and examples. By engaging in this curated experience, you've also learned the importance of detail and precision โ€“ qualities that are essential in both sorcery and scripting.

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