Linux Group Displaying

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Welcome to the depths of the vast Linux Ocean, a world where knowledge flows like water and commands swim around like schools of fish. In this lab, our scene unfolds in an ecosystem where groups of data interact together much like the oceanic life. You are a skilled diver, exploring the uncharted territories of the Linux Group Management Reef. Your goal is to uncover the secrets of the local inhabitants—files and directories—by understanding how they group together and coexist in harmony. Your quest is to master the groups command, interpret the information it provides, and leverage group management to maintain balance in the Linux Sea.

Are you ready to dive in and discover what secrets lie beneath the surface?

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup(["`User and Group Management`"]) linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/groups("`Group Displaying`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/groups -.-> lab-271297{{"`Linux Group Displaying`"}} end

Identifying Group Memberships

In this step, you will learn to identify the group memberships of the current user as well as any specific user in the system. Understanding groups is key to managing permissions and access in the Linux ecosystem.

First, ensure you're in the correct working directory:

cd ~/project

Then, to find out which groups the current user belongs to, you can simply use the groups command with no arguments:


This will output a list of groups the current user is part of, similar to this one:

labex sudo ssl-cert public

To see the groups that a specific user belongs to, you will append the username after the command:

groups your_username

Replace your_username with the actual username you wish to inspect. The output will be similar to the previous one, but specific to the user you are querying.

This is a example for you:

groups root

I hope you have run the groups root command at least once, otherwise it will be difficult for you to pass the test.

Creating a New Group

Now that you understand how to display group information, let's create a new group in our Linux Ocean environment. This new group will represent a new species in our underwater world.

First, you will need permission to create a new group. Only an administrator (or a user with sudo privileges) can add a new group to the system:

sudo groupadd seaturtles

This command creates a new group called seaturtles. To verify whether the group has been created, you can list all the groups:

getent group | grep seaturtles

If the group seaturtles has been successfully created, you will see an output similar to:



In this lab, we delved into the world of Linux group displaying. You played the role of a diver, exploring the rich and complex marine ecosystem of Linux group management. We started by identifying the groups of the current user and other users, and then we created a new group to demonstrate the ease of managing group structures in Linux.

Through this exercise, you've gained the ability to navigate the ocean of Linux groups, which is an essential skill for any system administrator. The knowledge you've obtained here will greatly assist you in managing permissions and access control on Linux systems.

Remember, just like the sea, Linux is vast and full of wonders. Keep diving deeper, and uncover all the treasures it has to offer!

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