Linux Data Piping

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Within the enchanted caverns of the ancient Magic Castle stands a powerful mirror, guarded by the mystical being known only as the Guardian of Reflections. This magical artefact, which possesses the ability to project one's thoughts into reality, can only be controlled by those who have mastered the art of data manipulation and command chaining - an arcane technique known as the "Linux Pipeline". As an aspiring wizard of the digital realm, your mission is to harness the power of the pipeline to unlock secrets hidden within streams of cryptic data, and command your way to unlocking the mirror's hidden message.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/InputandOutputRedirectionGroup(["`Input and Output Redirection`"]) linux/InputandOutputRedirectionGroup -.-> linux/pipeline("`Data Piping`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/pipeline -.-> lab-271357{{"`Linux Data Piping`"}} end

Discovering the Power of grep

In this step, you'll learn how to use grep, a powerful tool for filtering data. Imagine you've come across a scroll containing various spells, but only the spells related to light will awaken the mirror. You need to extract these lines using grep.

Start by creating the scroll as a text file named spells.txt in the ~/project directory. Then, use grep to search for the word "light" in the file.

echo -e "fireball\nlight shield\nacid rain\nlight beam" > ~/project/spells.txt
grep "light" ~/project/spells.txt

You should see the following output:

light shield
light beam

Conjuring Pipes with |

In this step you will learn how to combine commands using the pipe operator (|) to create a pipe that allows data to flow through multiple utilities simultaneously. Sentinel requires only uppercase letters to be passed through. First, use grep as before, but this time pipe the output to tr (a tool that translates or removes characters) to convert the spelling to uppercase to meet Sentinel's requirement.

grep "light" ~/project/spells.txt | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

The spellbook will now reveal:


Enchanting Data through sort and uniq

Having commanded the spells to surface and present themselves in uppercase, it's time to organize them and ensure they are unique to activate the mirror's magical projection. Use sort to arrange your spells alphabetically and uniq to filter out any duplicates.

Append some duplicate spells to spells.txt and then create the incantation:

echo -e "light beam\nlight mirror\nlight mirror" >> ~/project/spells.txt
cat ~/project/spells.txt | grep "light" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | sort | uniq

You will see your spells are now organized and duplicates are removed:



In this lab, we explored the basic concepts of Linux data piping by simulating a scenario synonymous with wizardry and enchantment. From simple text filtering with grep to creating complex pipelines that transform and refine data, these exercises demonstrated the power and flexibility of Unix-like command line tools. The narrative context of a magical challenge brought an element of fun and mystery to the technical task. May your newfound pipeline skills serve you well in all your digital endeavours, whether in the depths of a wizard's archive or the bytes of a computer system.

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