How to identify command aliases in Linux

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This tutorial will guide you through the basics of Linux command aliases, including how to discover and use existing aliases, as well as how to create and customize your own personal aliases. Aliases are shortcuts or alternative names that users can create for commonly used commands, allowing them to save time and improve productivity by reducing the number of characters they need to type to execute a specific command.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup(["`User and Group Management`"]) linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/set("`Shell Setting`") linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/export("`Variable Exporting`") linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/unset("`Variable Unsetting`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/set -.-> lab-409860{{"`How to identify command aliases in Linux`"}} linux/export -.-> lab-409860{{"`How to identify command aliases in Linux`"}} linux/unset -.-> lab-409860{{"`How to identify command aliases in Linux`"}} end

Understanding Linux Command Aliases

Linux command aliases are shortcuts or alternative names that users can create for commonly used commands. These aliases allow users to save time and improve productivity by reducing the number of characters they need to type to execute a specific command. Aliases can be particularly useful for long or complex commands, or for commands that users frequently use with specific options or arguments.

In this section, we will explore the basics of Linux command aliases, including how to discover and use existing aliases, as well as how to create and customize your own personal aliases.

Alias Basics

An alias in Linux is a shorthand name or command that can be used in place of a longer, more complex command. When you type the alias, the shell will automatically substitute the corresponding command. For example, you could create an alias called "ll" that runs the command "ls -l", allowing you to quickly list the contents of a directory in a long format.

Aliases can be particularly useful for:

  • Shortening long or complex commands
  • Applying default options or arguments to a command
  • Renaming commands to be more intuitive or memorable

Discovering Existing Aliases

To see a list of all the existing aliases on your system, you can use the alias command without any arguments:

$ alias

This will display all the currently defined aliases, including any system-wide aliases and any personal aliases you have created.

You can also use the alias command to get information about a specific alias. For example, to see the command that the "ll" alias is associated with, you can run:

$ alias ll

This will output the full command that the "ll" alias represents.

Using Existing Aliases

Once you have discovered an existing alias, you can use it just like you would use the original command. For example, if you have an alias called "ll" that runs "ls -l", you can simply type "ll" in the terminal, and it will execute the "ls -l" command.

Aliases can be used in scripts, command-line arguments, and even other aliases. This makes them a powerful tool for customizing your Linux workflow and streamlining common tasks.

Discovering and Managing Existing Aliases

Now that we have a basic understanding of what command aliases are and how they can be useful, let's dive into how to discover and manage the existing aliases on your Linux system.

Listing Defined Aliases

As mentioned earlier, you can use the alias command to list all the currently defined aliases on your system. This will show you both the system-wide aliases and any personal aliases you have created.

$ alias

This will output a list of all the aliases, along with the commands they represent. For example, you might see something like this:

alias ll='ls -l'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'

Viewing Alias Details

If you want to see the full command that a specific alias represents, you can use the alias command with the alias name as an argument:

$ alias ll
alias ll='ls -l'

This will show you the command that the "ll" alias is associated with.

Modifying Existing Aliases

If you need to modify an existing alias, you can simply redefine it using the alias command. For example, to change the "ll" alias to use the "-la" option instead of just "-l", you can run:

$ alias ll='ls -la'

This will update the "ll" alias to use the new command.

Deleting Aliases

If you no longer need a particular alias, you can delete it using the unalias command:

$ unalias ll

This will remove the "ll" alias from your system.

By understanding how to discover, view, modify, and delete aliases, you can effectively manage the shortcuts and customizations you have set up on your Linux system.

Creating and Customizing Personal Aliases

In addition to using the existing aliases on your system, you can also create your own custom aliases to further streamline your workflow. Creating personal aliases allows you to tailor the command-line experience to your specific needs and preferences.

Creating New Aliases

To create a new alias, you can use the alias command followed by the alias name and the command it should represent. For example, to create an alias called "myls" that runs the "ls -la" command, you would use the following syntax:

$ alias myls='ls -la'

The alias name ("myls" in this case) can be any valid identifier, and the command it represents can be any valid Linux command or series of commands.

Alias Syntax and Storage

Aliases are stored in your shell's configuration file, which is typically .bashrc for the Bash shell or .zshrc for the Zsh shell. When you define an alias, it is added to this configuration file, so it will be available every time you start a new shell session.

The syntax for defining an alias in your configuration file is the same as using the alias command interactively:

alias myls='ls -la'

Alias Examples

Here are a few examples of useful personal aliases you might want to create:

  • alias cls='clear' - Clears the terminal screen
  • alias grep='grep --color=auto' - Adds color to grep output
  • alias ..='cd ..' - Allows you to navigate up one directory with just two periods
  • alias duh='du -h --max-depth=1' - Shows the size of directories in a human-readable format

Alias Best Practices

When creating your own aliases, keep the following best practices in mind:

  • Choose descriptive and memorable names for your aliases
  • Avoid overwriting existing commands or system-provided aliases
  • Test your aliases to ensure they work as expected
  • Document your aliases in your configuration file for future reference

By following these guidelines, you can create a set of personal aliases that will help you work more efficiently and effectively on your Linux system.


In this tutorial, you have learned about the fundamentals of Linux command aliases, including how to discover and manage existing aliases, as well as how to create and customize your own personal aliases. By understanding and utilizing aliases, you can streamline your workflow, improve efficiency, and enhance your overall Linux command-line experience.

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