How to construct conditional logic in shell

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In the world of Linux system administration and programming, understanding conditional logic in shell scripting is crucial for creating flexible and intelligent scripts. This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to constructing conditional statements in shell environments, helping developers and system administrators write more efficient and powerful shell scripts.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/TextProcessingGroup(["`Text Processing`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/exit("`Shell Exiting`") linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/logical("`Logic Operations`") linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/test("`Condition Testing`") linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/read("`Input Reading`") linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/printf("`Text Formatting`") linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/expr("`Evaluate Expressions`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/exit -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} linux/logical -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} linux/test -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} linux/read -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} linux/printf -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} linux/expr -.-> lab-434168{{"`How to construct conditional logic in shell`"}} end

Shell Conditional Basics

Introduction to Conditional Statements

In shell scripting, conditional statements are fundamental for creating dynamic and intelligent scripts. They allow you to make decisions and control the flow of your program based on specific conditions.

Basic Test Operators

Shell provides several ways to evaluate conditions using test operators:

Test Command Syntax

There are two primary ways to write conditional tests:

  1. Using test command:
test condition
  1. Using square brackets:
[ condition ]

Comparison Operators

Operator Description Numeric Comparison String Comparison
-eq Equal to ×
-ne Not equal ×
-gt Greater than ×
-lt Less than ×
== Equal ×
!= Not equal ×

Simple Conditional Example

Here's a basic example demonstrating conditional logic:



if [ $age -ge 18 ]; then
    echo "You are an adult"
    echo "You are a minor"

Control Flow Visualization

graph TD A[Start] --> B{Condition Check} B -->|True| C[Execute True Block] B -->|False| D[Execute False Block] C --> E[Continue] D --> E

Common Conditional Scenarios

  1. Checking file existence
  2. Comparing numeric values
  3. Validating string contents
  4. Checking command execution status

Best Practices

  • Always use [ ] with spaces inside
  • Use -z to check empty strings
  • Use -n to check non-empty strings
  • Test complex conditions with && and ||

LabEx Learning Tip

Practice these conditional techniques in LabEx's interactive Linux environments to gain hands-on experience with shell scripting.

Comparison and Logic

Logical Operators Overview

Shell scripting provides powerful logical operators to combine and evaluate multiple conditions effectively.

Logical AND and OR Operators

Logical AND (&&)

Executes the next command only if the previous command succeeds:

[ condition ] && command_if_true

Logical OR (||)

Executes the next command if the previous command fails:

[ condition ] || command_if_false

Complex Condition Evaluation

Combining Multiple Conditions



if [ $age -ge 18 ] && [ "$name" == "John" ]; then
    echo "Adult named John"

Logical Operator Truth Table

Condition 1 Operator Condition 2 Result
True && True True
True && False False
False && True False
False && False False
True || True True
True || False True
False || True True
False || False False

Nested Condition Flow

graph TD A[Start] --> B{First Condition} B -->|True| C{Second Condition} B -->|False| G[Exit] C -->|True| D[Execute Action] C -->|False| G

Advanced Condition Checking

Negation Operator (!)

Inverts the result of a condition:

if [ ! -f /path/to/file ]; then
    echo "File does not exist"

Comparison Types

  1. Numeric Comparisons
  2. String Comparisons
  3. File Test Conditions

Numeric Comparison Example



if [ $x -lt $y ]; then
    echo "x is less than y"

String Comparison Example



if [ "$input" == "Hello" ]; then
    echo "Greeting matches"

LabEx Practical Tip

Experiment with these logical operators in LabEx's shell environment to master conditional logic techniques.

Practical Conditional Flows

Comprehensive Conditional Structures

Multiple Condition Handling

If-Elif-Else Statements


if [ $score -ge 90 ]; then
    echo "Grade: A"
elif [ $score -ge 80 ]; then
    echo "Grade: B"
elif [ $score -ge 70 ]; then
    echo "Grade: C"
    echo "Grade: F"

Case Statement Usage

Pattern Matching Scenarios


read -p "Enter a day: " day

case $day in
    Monday)    echo "Start of workweek" ;;
    Tuesday)   echo "Second workday" ;;
    Wednesday) echo "Midweek" ;;
    Thursday)  echo "Almost weekend" ;;
    Friday)    echo "Weekend is near" ;;
        echo "Weekend!" ;;
    *)         echo "Invalid day" ;;

Conditional Flow Visualization

graph TD A[Start] --> B{First Condition} B -->|True| C[Action 1] B -->|False| D{Second Condition} D -->|True| E[Action 2] D -->|False| F{Third Condition} F -->|True| G[Action 3] F -->|False| H[Default Action]

Advanced Conditional Techniques

Input Validation Script


validate_input() {
    local input=$1
    if [[ -z "$input" ]]; then
        echo "Error: Input cannot be empty"
        return 1

    if [[ ! "$input" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
        echo "Error: Input must be a number"
        return 1

    return 0

read -p "Enter a number: " user_input

if validate_input "$user_input"; then
    echo "Valid input: $user_input"

Conditional Operation Types

Operation Type Description Example
Numeric Check Compare numbers -eq, -gt, -lt
String Check Compare strings ==, !=
File Check Test file properties -f, -d, -x
Logical Check Combine conditions &&, ||

Error Handling with Conditions


backup_file() {
    local source=$1
    local destination=$2

    if [ ! -f "$source" ]; then
        echo "Source file does not exist"
        return 1

    cp "$source" "$destination" || {
        echo "Backup failed"
        return 1

    echo "Backup successful"
    return 0

backup_file "/etc/passwd" "/tmp/passwd.bak"

LabEx Learning Strategy

Practice these conditional flow techniques in LabEx's interactive shell environments to develop robust scripting skills.


By mastering conditional logic in Linux shell scripting, developers can create more dynamic and responsive scripts that can make intelligent decisions based on system conditions, file states, and variable comparisons. The techniques covered in this tutorial provide a solid foundation for writing robust and adaptable shell scripts that can handle complex computational tasks and system interactions.

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