Fast Searching With Ripgrep

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Ripgrep (rg) is a modern search tool that utilizes regex for pattern matching combined with performance optimization techniques, making it significantly faster than traditional search tools like grep. Ideal for developers and system administrators, Ripgrep can quickly search through large directories and text files, such as those found in extensive code bases like the Linux kernel.


Skills Graph

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There is a project in the ~/project directory, open the terminal ( ① or ② in the figure ) in the environment and enter the following command:

rg 'utils' TinyWebServer/

Searches for the word 'utils' in all files within the specified directory. It's the most straightforward use of Ripgrep, providing a quick way to locate a single word or phrase.

rg -i 'Utils' TinyWebServer/

The -i flag ignores case, allowing you to find 'UTILS', 'Utils', 'UTils', etc., making it versatile for mixed-case codebases.

rg --type cpp 'int main' TinyWebServer/

This command restricts the search to C++ files only. It's useful for focusing your search on specific programming language files, reducing noise from other file types.

rg '^[ \t]*#include' TinyWebServer/

Uses a regular expression to find lines that start with #include , potentially preceded by spaces or tabs. This is useful for examining dependencies or included libraries in C or C++ code.

rg -C 3 'failed' TinyWebServer/

Searches for the phrase 'failed' and displays 3 lines of context around each match. This helps in understanding the circumstances or code block surrounding the error message.

Exclude Specific Directories

rg 'TODO' --glob '!tests/*' TinyWebServer/

Searches for 'TODO' but excludes files within the 'tests' directory. This option is valuable when you want to focus on production code and avoid comments in test scripts.

rg 'old' --replace 'new' TinyWebServer/

Displays a preview of what a search and replace operation would look like, replacing 'old' with 'new' in the search results. This is not a file modification command but a way to visualize changes before applying them.

Listing Filenames Only

rg --files 'FIXME' TinyWebServer/

Lists only the names of files that contain 'FIXME'. This is particularly useful for quickly identifying files that might need attention without viewing the actual content.

Counting Matches Across Files

rg --count 'error' TinyWebServer/

Counts how many times 'error' appears in each file, providing a quick quantitative overview of potential security issues in the code.


Ripgrep streamlines the process of searching through large and complex directories like the Linux kernel project. Its speed and versatility in handling various types of search scenarios make it an indispensable tool for modern software development and system management. By mastering Ripgrep, you can significantly enhance your productivity and code management efficiency.

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