Docker Log out from Docker Registry

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In this lab, you will navigate through an ancient maze and encounter a mysterious Maze Puzzle Master. Your objective is to demonstrate your skills in logging out from a Docker Registry in order to unlock the secrets of the maze.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/SystemManagementGroup(["`System Management`"]) docker/SystemManagementGroup -.-> docker/logout("`Log out from Docker Registry`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/logout -.-> lab-271471{{"`Docker Log out from Docker Registry`"}} end

In this step, you will first access the Docker Registry and then proceed to log out from it.

First, log in to the Docker Registry with your account using the following command:

docker login

Next, to log out from the Docker Registry, use the command:

docker logout

Verify Logout

In this step, you will confirm that you have successfully logged out from the Docker Registry.

Use the following command to check if you are still logged in:

docker info

If the output indicates that you are no longer logged in, then you have successfully completed the logout process.


In this lab, you have successfully demonstrated your ability to log out from a Docker Registry and navigate through the maze of commands. By mastering the logout command, you have unlocked the secrets of the registry and completed the maze challenge.

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