Docker Create Container

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In this lab, you are transported to a magical wonderland ruled by the enigmatic Fairy Queen. Your mission is to navigate this mystical realm by creating Docker containers to harness its power and resources. The supreme goal is to master the art of creating Docker containers under the guidance of the Fairy Queen to unlock the secrets of this enchanted world.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ContainerOperationsGroup(["`Container Operations`"]) docker/ContainerOperationsGroup -.-> docker/create("`Create Container`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/create -.-> lab-271459{{"`Docker Create Container`"}} end

Create Your First Docker Container

In this step, you will initiate your journey by creating your first Docker container. The Fairy Queen has provided a magical script to summon an ethereal "hello-world" container. Execute the following commands in your zsh terminal under the specified path:

$ docker run hello-world

This command will invoke the "hello-world" container and display a message from the Fairy Queen.

Create a Container Using an Alpine Image

In this step, you will harness the power of the magical Alpine image to create your container. Use the following incantation to create this container:

$ docker run -it --name alpine-container alpine /bin/sh

This command will cast the spell to create an interactive Alpine container named "alpine-container". You will then be granted access to the mystical land contained within.

Create a Container Using the Nginx Image

In this step, you will delve further into the enchanting world by creating a container using the Nginx image. Employ the following sorcery to create the Nginx container:

$ docker run -d -p 80:80 --name my-nginx nginx

With this invocation, the Nginx container with the name "my-nginx" will be summoned, allowing you to access the powers of Nginx for your own desires.


In this lab, you have experienced the wonder of Docker container creation in the whimsical realm of the Fairy Queen. By following the steps and invoking the commands provided, you have mastered the spellbinding art of Docker container creation. This knowledge will serve you well as you continue to explore and harness the magic of Docker in your future endeavors.

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