Docker Manage Networks

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In the mystical world of ancient Indian mythology, a devoted ascetic named Arjuna is on a journey to master the art of networking through Docker in order to connect the various realms of gods and demons. Arjuna's ultimate goal is to ensure seamless communication and interaction across the divine network landscape in this mythological setting.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/NetworkOperationsGroup(["`Network Operations`"]) docker/NetworkOperationsGroup -.-> docker/network("`Manage Networks`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/network -.-> lab-271477{{"`Docker Manage Networks`"}} end

Networking with Docker

In this step, Arjuna will embark on a quest to create a bridge network and connect different containers within the divine realm.

## Create a bridge network
docker network create --driver=bridge divinenet

## Run a container connected to the bridge network
docker run -itd --name divine-container1 --network divinenet alpine

Multi-Container Communication

In this step, Arjuna must establish communication between multiple containers within the divine realm.

## Run another container connected to the bridge network
docker run -d --name divine-container2 --network divinenet nginx

## Test connectivity between containers
docker exec divine-container1 ping divine-container2


In this lab, the focus was on enabling Arjuna, the mythical ascetic, to navigate through the creation of Docker networks and establish seamless communication between containers within the divine realm. The purpose was to provide a hands-on experience for learners to understand network management in Docker and its significance in containerized environments. This lab aimed to empower users with the knowledge and skills to architect robust networking solutions within Docker deployments.

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