Docker Display Running Processes in Container

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In this lab, imagine a scenario where we are observing the operations of a dinosaur-themed amusement park. As a junior operations manager, your role is to monitor the processes running in the "T-Rex Adventure" container to ensure the proper functioning of the park's animatronic dinosaurs. The goal is to display the running processes within the container to verify their stability and performance.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ContainerOperationsGroup(["`Container Operations`"]) docker/ContainerOperationsGroup -.-> docker/top("`Display Running Processes in Container`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/top -.-> lab-271507{{"`Docker Display Running Processes in Container`"}} end

In this step, you will first retrieve the container ID or name of the "T-Rex Adventure" container. Then, execute the docker top command to display the running processes inside the container.

## Run the container
docker run -d -it --name t-rex-adventure alpine

## Retrieve the container ID or name
docker ps

## Display running processes in the container
docker top t-rex-adventure

Analysis of Running Processes

In this step, you will analyze the running processes to identify any anomalies or resource-intensive tasks. Use the docker exec command to access the container's shell and run tools like top or ps to further investigate the processes.

## Access the container's shell
$ docker exec -it t-rex-adventure /bin/sh

## Inside container shell, analyze running processes


In this lab, we created a scenario where we needed to monitor the processes running in a Docker container to ensure the smooth operation of the animatronic dinosaurs in a theme park. The lab guided the learner through the process of using docker top and docker exec commands to achieve this goal. The lab also emphasized the importance of monitoring and analyzing running processes for system health and stability.

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