Understanding the code
Before proceeding, let's understand the structure of the program.
First, we have included the header file "stdio.h" which contains standard input and output functions like printf() and scanf().
Next, inside the main function, we have printed three messages, "LabEx - Best place to learn", "Nested loops are usually used to print a pattern in c.", and "They are also used to print out the matrix using a 2 dimensional array." on the console using printf() function.
After that, we have initiated three variables i, j, and k to use in the loop. Inside the nested for loop, we have used two for loops. The outer for loop controls the number of rows and the inner for loop controls the number of columns.
Now, let's discuss the working of nested loops. The outer loop initializes the i variable to 0. It checks if i < 5. If it is true, the control passes to the inner loop which initializes the j variable to 0. The inner loop checks if j < 5. If it is true, it prints an asterisk with a space, then increments j.
Once the inner loop is executed completely, the control is returned to the outer loop and the value of the i variable is incremented. This continues until the i variable becomes 5, and both loops terminate execution.