Benchmark and Plot Atomic and Bulk Prediction Latency
We will use Scikit-Learn's predict()
method to measure the runtime prediction of each instance and the whole input. We will use the benchmark_estimator()
function to measure the runtimes of prediction in both atomic and bulk mode. Then, we will use the boxplot_runtimes()
function to plot the distribution of the prediction latency as a boxplot.
def benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, n_bulk_repeats=30, verbose=False):
atomic_runtimes = atomic_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, verbose)
bulk_runtimes = bulk_benchmark_estimator(estimator, X_test, n_bulk_repeats, verbose)
return atomic_runtimes, bulk_runtimes
def boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, pred_type, configuration):
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
bp = plt.boxplot(
cls_infos = [
"%s\n(%d %s)"
% (
for estimator_conf in configuration["estimators"]
plt.setp(ax1, xticklabels=cls_infos)
plt.setp(bp["boxes"], color="black")
plt.setp(bp["whiskers"], color="black")
plt.setp(bp["fliers"], color="red", marker="+")
ax1.yaxis.grid(True, linestyle="-", which="major", color="lightgrey", alpha=0.5)
"Prediction Time per Instance - %s, %d feats."
% (pred_type.capitalize(), configuration["n_features"])
ax1.set_ylabel("Prediction Time (us)")
configuration = {
"n_train": int(1e3),
"n_test": int(1e2),
"n_features": int(1e2),
"estimators": [
"name": "Linear Model",
"instance": SGDRegressor(
penalty="elasticnet", alpha=0.01, l1_ratio=0.25, tol=1e-4
"complexity_label": "non-zero coefficients",
"complexity_computer": lambda clf: np.count_nonzero(clf.coef_),
"name": "RandomForest",
"instance": RandomForestRegressor(),
"complexity_label": "estimators",
"complexity_computer": lambda clf: clf.n_estimators,
"name": "SVR",
"instance": SVR(kernel="rbf"),
"complexity_label": "support vectors",
"complexity_computer": lambda clf: len(clf.support_vectors_),
X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = generate_dataset(
configuration["n_train"], configuration["n_test"], configuration["n_features"]
stats = {}
for estimator_conf in configuration["estimators"]:
estimator_conf["instance"].fit(X_train, y_train)
a, b = benchmark_estimator(estimator_conf["instance"], X_test)
stats[estimator_conf["name"]] = {"atomic": a, "bulk": b}
cls_names = [estimator_conf["name"] for estimator_conf in configuration["estimators"]]
runtimes = [1e6 * stats[clf_name]["atomic"] for clf_name in cls_names]
boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, "atomic", configuration)
runtimes = [1e6 * stats[clf_name]["bulk"] for clf_name in cls_names]
boxplot_runtimes(runtimes, "bulk (%d)" % configuration["n_test"], configuration)