In this step, we will introduce the Metasploit Framework, its architecture, and core concepts.
Metasploit is a powerful and widely-used penetration testing framework developed in Ruby. It consists of various components, including modules, interfaces, plugins, utilities, and libraries. The framework is designed to be modular, allowing for code reuse and extensibility.
The Metasploit Framework is organized into several key modules:
- Exploits: These are code modules that leverage vulnerabilities in target systems to gain unauthorized access or execute arbitrary code.
- Auxiliary: This module includes various support tools, such as scanners, fuzzers, and protocol manipulation utilities.
- Encoders: These modules are used to obfuscate or encode payloads to bypass security mechanisms like antivirus software or firewalls.
- Payloads: These modules contain the code that is executed on the target system after a successful exploitation.
- Post-Exploitation: These modules provide functionality for maintaining access and conducting further actions on the compromised system.
Metasploit provides several interfaces for interacting with the framework, including a command-line interface (msfconsole), a web-based interface (Metasploit Web UI), and a command-line interface (Metasploit Command Line).
At first, let's start the lab environment. Start Metasploitable2 by double-clicking the xfce terminal on the desktop and entering the following command in the terminal:
sudo virsh start Metasploitable2
Ping the target machine to ensure it's running (press Ctrl-C to exit ping):
Then, let's start the Kali container and enter the bash interface, execute the ping operation to verify network connectivity:
docker run -ti --network host b5b709a49cd5 bash
Now, we could execute the ping operation to verify network connectivity (press Ctrl-C to exit ping):
Now, we could start the Metasploit console:
cd ~
In the following steps, we will explore the basic usage of the Metasploit console and perform various tasks.