Linux sort Command: Text Sorting

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In this lab, you will explore the versatile sort command in Linux, a powerful utility for organizing and arranging text data. As a school administrator, you'll use various options of the sort command to efficiently manage and analyze student information. This hands-on experience will help you understand how to manipulate data in real-world scenarios using Linux command-line tools.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/TextProcessingGroup(["`Text Processing`"]) linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/sort("`Text Sorting`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/sort -.-> lab-219196{{"`Linux sort Command: Text Sorting`"}} end

Basic Sorting of Student Names

Let's start by sorting a list of student names alphabetically. This is a common task when creating class rosters or organizing student records.

First, let's view the contents of our student list:

cat ~/project/students.txt

You should see a list of student names in no particular order, similar to this:

David Lee
Alice Johnson
Charlie Brown
Bob Smith
Eve Wilson

Now, let's use the sort command to arrange these names alphabetically:

sort ~/project/students.txt

This command will display the sorted list of student names on your screen. The output should look like this:

Alice Johnson
Bob Smith
Charlie Brown
David Lee
Eve Wilson

The sort command, by default, sorts lines alphabetically. It compares the lines character by character, starting from the beginning of each line. This is why "Alice" comes before "Bob", and so on.

If you don't see any output, don't worry! The command worked, but it just displayed the result in the terminal. If you want to save the sorted list to a new file, you can use the output redirection operator > like this: sort ~/project/students.txt > ~/project/sorted_students.txt

Sorting Student Ages

Next, we'll sort students by their ages. This could be useful when organizing students into age-appropriate groups or activities.

Let's first look at our data:

cat ~/project/student_ages.txt

You'll see a list of students with their ages, like this:

David Lee:21
Alice Johnson:18
Charlie Brown:19
Bob Smith:20
Eve Wilson:18

To sort this list by age, we'll use the -n option, which tells sort to treat the numbers as numeric values rather than strings:

sort -n -t: -k2 ~/project/student_ages.txt

Let's break down this command:

  • -n: This option tells sort to perform a numeric sort.
  • -t:: This specifies that fields are separated by colons.
  • -k2: This tells sort to use the second field (the age) as the sorting key.

This will display the list of students sorted from youngest to oldest:

Alice Johnson:18
Eve Wilson:18
Charlie Brown:19
Bob Smith:20
David Lee:21

Without the -n option, sort would treat the ages as strings, leading to an incorrect order (like 18, 19, 20, 21, 3). The -n option ensures proper numeric ordering.

Reverse Sorting of Student Grades

Now, let's sort student grades in descending order. This is often used when ranking students or identifying top performers.

First, view the current list:

cat ~/project/student_grades.txt

You should see something like this:

David Lee:87
Alice Johnson:92
Charlie Brown:95
Bob Smith:88
Eve Wilson:91

To sort the grades from highest to lowest, we'll use the -r option for reverse order, along with -n for numeric sorting:

sort -nr -t: -k2 ~/project/student_grades.txt

Here's what each part of the command does:

  • -n: Performs a numeric sort
  • -r: Reverses the sort order (descending instead of ascending)
  • -t:: Specifies that fields are separated by colons
  • -k2: Uses the second field (the grade) as the sorting key

This command will display the student grades from highest to lowest:

Charlie Brown:95
Alice Johnson:92
Eve Wilson:91
Bob Smith:88
David Lee:87

The -r option is particularly useful when you want to see the highest values first, which is common in many real-world scenarios like ranking, identifying top performers, or prioritizing tasks.

Sorting Student Records by Multiple Fields

In this step, we'll sort a more complex student record that includes name, age, and grade. This is a common scenario when dealing with comprehensive student databases.

Let's first look at our data:

cat ~/project/student_records.txt

You'll see each line contains a student's name, age, and grade, separated by colons, like this:

David Lee:21:87
Alice Johnson:18:92
Charlie Brown:19:95
Bob Smith:20:88
Eve Wilson:18:91

To sort this file by age (second field) and then by grade (third field) if ages are the same, we'll use:

sort -t: -k2n -k3nr ~/project/student_records.txt

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • -t: specifies that fields are separated by colons
  • -k2n sorts based on the second field (age) numerically
  • -k3nr then sorts based on the third field (grade) numerically in reverse order

This will display the student records sorted primarily by age (ascending) and secondarily by grade (descending) when ages are the same:

Alice Johnson:18:92
Eve Wilson:18:91
Charlie Brown:19:95
Bob Smith:20:88
David Lee:21:87

This type of multi-key sorting is extremely useful when you need to organize data based on multiple criteria. In this case, we're grouping students by age, and within each age group, we're ranking them by their grades.

Removing Duplicate Entries

Sometimes, student records might contain duplicates, perhaps due to data entry errors or multiple submissions. Let's learn how to remove these duplicates.

First, let's look at a file with potential duplicates:

cat ~/project/student_clubs.txt

You might see something like this:

Alice Johnson:Chess Club
Bob Smith:Debate Team
Charlie Brown:Chess Club
David Lee:Science Club
Eve Wilson:Debate Team
Alice Johnson:Chess Club
Bob Smith:Science Club

To sort this list and remove duplicates, we'll use the -u option:

sort -u ~/project/student_clubs.txt

This command will display a sorted list of unique student club memberships:

Alice Johnson:Chess Club
Bob Smith:Debate Team
Bob Smith:Science Club
Charlie Brown:Chess Club
David Lee:Science Club
Eve Wilson:Debate Team

The -u option tells sort to output only the first of an equal run. In other words, it removes duplicate lines after sorting. This is particularly useful when you need to create a list of unique entries or when you're trying to identify and eliminate redundant data.

Note that "Bob Smith" appears twice because he's in two different clubs - these aren't considered duplicates as the entire line is different.


In this lab, you've learned how to use the sort command to organize various types of student data. You've explored several useful options:

  • Basic alphabetical sorting
  • Numeric sorting with -n
  • Reverse sorting with -r
  • Sorting by multiple fields with -k
  • Using custom field separators with -t
  • Removing duplicates with -u

Other useful sort options include:

  • -f: Ignore case when sorting
  • -b: Ignore leading blanks
  • -c: Check if the input is already sorted
  • -o: Write output to a file instead of standard output

These skills will be invaluable when managing and analyzing data in various professional contexts, not just in educational settings.

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