Linux Shell Exiting

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Welcome to the future, where humanity has colonized the far reaches of the galaxy and established bustling metropolises on distant planets. In the heart of one such sci-fi space city lies "The Starry Expanse," a popular watering hole where astronauts, space traders, and interplanetary travelers come together to share tales of their cosmic journeys. The bar is known not only for its luminous cocktails but also for its state-of-the-art computer system, managed by Zara, the tenacious owner and former space engineer.

Zara has noticed that her establishment's computer system has been running slow and suspects that inefficient shell script exits may be to blame. She needs a competent space cadet with a solid understanding of Linux, capable of streamlining the bar's scripts for seamless operation. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to harness the power of the exit command to ensure that scripts terminate properly, while freeing up system resources.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/exit("`Shell Exiting`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/exit -.-> lab-271277{{"`Linux Shell Exiting`"}} end

Exploring the Exit Command

In this step, you'll begin your journey by familiarizing yourself with the exit command in the shell. The exit command allows you to close a shell session or script, and it can take an optional integer argument that signifies the exit status. The exit status is important because it communicates the outcome of a script to other programs or scripts that may rely on it.

To explore the exit command, let's create a simple script. Navigate to your shell script directory using cd:

cd ~/project

Next, create a script file named


Add the following lines to your script using any text editor, such as nano or vim:

## This script demonstrates the use of 'exit' in a shell script.
echo "Begin of script"
exit 0
echo "End of script"

After adding these lines, make sure you give the script execute permissions:

chmod +x

Now, run your script:


You should see the message "Begin of script" printed to the terminal, but "End of script" won't be printed because the script exits before reaching that line.

Handling Exit Statuses

In this step, you'll learn how to use different exit statuses to represent the outcome of a command or a script. An exit status of 0 usually means success, and a non-zero status indicates an error.

Create another script named


Now, add this code to

## This script checks if the file 'report.txt' exists and can be read.
if [[ -r report.txt ]]; then
  echo "File report.txt is readable."
  exit 0
  echo "File report.txt cannot be found or is not readable."
  exit 1

Don't forget to change the file permissions:

chmod +x

Before running the script, create an empty file report.txt:

touch report.txt

Now, execute


Depending on whether report.txt is readable or not, you'll receive the corresponding message and exit status.


In this lab, you started your journey by learning about the exit command and how it's used within Linux shell scripts to terminate sessions cleanly and report statuses. Utilizing this knowledge helps in writing robust scripts and ensuring that errant processes do not consume system resources unnecessarilyโ€”much like the ones used in "The Starry Expanse" to maintain its cosmic operations.

Through a hands-on approach, you created two shell scripts that implemented exit statuses and gained a fundamental understanding of their significance in scripting and process management. Most importantly, you contributed to Zara's mission to keep her space bar's computer system running efficiently, making you an unsung hero of interstellar hospitality tech.

We hope you found this lab educational and that it has encouraged you to explore further into the infinite expanse of Linux shell scripting. May you continue to command your scripts with confidence and grace, just like a captain steers their ship through the stars.