Automate Keyboard LED State Changes with Shell Scripts
In this step, we will learn how to automate the process of changing the keyboard LED states using shell scripts.
First, let's create a simple shell script to toggle the Num Lock LED:
Add the following content to the file:
## Get the current Num Lock LED state
current_state=$(setleds -v | grep -o -E '[01]{8}' | awk '{print substr($1,7,1)}')
## Toggle the Num Lock LED state
if [ "$current_state" == "0" ]; then
setleds +num
setleds -num
Save and close the file.
Make the script executable:
chmod +x
Now, you can run the script to toggle the Num Lock LED state:
Example output:
Led state set to 00000002
The script checks the current Num Lock LED state and toggles it accordingly.
You can also create a script to set multiple LED states at once. For example, let's create a script to set the Caps Lock and Scroll Lock LEDs:
Add the following content to the file:
setleds +caps +scroll
Save and close the file.
Make the script executable:
chmod +x
Now, you can run the script to set the Caps Lock and Scroll Lock LEDs to the "on" state:
Example output:
Led state set to 00000005
These scripts can be easily integrated into your system configuration or startup scripts to automatically set the desired LED states when the system boots up or when a user logs in.