Linux rm Command: File Removing

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This lab provides a practical introduction to the rm command in Linux. The rm command, short for "remove," is a powerful utility used for deleting files and directories. Through a series of guided steps, you will learn how to use rm effectively and safely in various scenarios.

Imagine you are a new system administrator at a small tech startup. Your first task is to clean up the company's shared directory, which has accumulated unnecessary files and folders over time. This lab will guide you through the process of using the rm command to accomplish this task efficiently.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup(["`Basic File Operations`"]) linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup(["`File and Directory Management`"]) linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup -.-> linux/ls("`Content Listing`") linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup -.-> linux/rm("`File Removing`") linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/cd("`Directory Changing`") linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/pwd("`Directory Displaying`") linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/wildcard("`Wildcard Character`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/ls -.-> lab-209741{{"`Linux rm Command: File Removing`"}} linux/rm -.-> lab-209741{{"`Linux rm Command: File Removing`"}} linux/cd -.-> lab-209741{{"`Linux rm Command: File Removing`"}} linux/pwd -.-> lab-209741{{"`Linux rm Command: File Removing`"}} linux/wildcard -.-> lab-209741{{"`Linux rm Command: File Removing`"}} end

Let's start by navigating to the project directory where we'll perform our file cleanup operations.

  1. Open your terminal. You should see a command prompt, which might look something like this: labex:project/ $.

  2. Navigate to the project directory by typing the following command and pressing Enter:

    cd /home/labex/project

    This command changes your current directory to /home/labex/project.

    What's happening here?

    • cd stands for "change directory"
    • /home/labex/project is the full path to the directory we want to go to

    If you get an error message like "No such file or directory," it might mean the directory doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it. In this case, double-check the path and try again.

  3. To make sure you're in the right place, use the pwd command:


    This should display /home/labex/project. If it doesn't, try the cd command again.

  4. Now, let's see what's in this directory:


    This command will show you all the files and directories in the current folder. You should see a list of items, which should include files like old_report.txt, file1.tmp, file2.tmp, file3.tmp, and a directory named old_projects.

Remember, in Linux, you can always use the up and down arrow keys to cycle through your previous commands. This can save you time if you need to repeat or slightly modify a command.

Removing a Single File

Now that we're in the project directory, let's remove a single unnecessary file.

  1. First, let's check if the file old_report.txt exists in our directory:

    ls old_report.txt

    You should see the filename old_report.txt printed. If you don't see this file, please inform your instructor as it should have been pre-created for this lab.

  2. Now, let's remove this file using the rm command:

    rm old_report.txt

    The rm command removes (deletes) the specified file.

    Important note: Unlike moving files to a "Recycle Bin" or "Trash" in graphical interfaces, this deletion is immediate and permanent. There's no easy "undo" for the rm command, so always double-check before you use it!

  3. To verify that the file has been removed, let's try to list it again:

    ls old_report.txt

    This time, you should see an error message saying that the file doesn't exist. This confirms that we've successfully removed the file.

What if something goes wrong?

  • If you see "Permission denied" when trying to remove the file, it means you don't have the necessary permissions. In this lab environment, you should have the right permissions, but in a real-world scenario, you might need to use sudo rm (be very careful with this!).

  • If you don't see an error message and the file is still there, make sure you typed the filename correctly in the rm command. Remember, Linux is case-sensitive, so old_report.txt and Old_Report.txt are considered different files.

  • If you accidentally remove the wrong file, unfortunately, there's no easy way to recover it. This is why it's crucial to always double-check before using rm.

Removing Multiple Files

Often, you'll need to remove multiple files at once. Let's practice this now.

  1. First, let's check what temporary files we have:

    ls *.tmp

    The * in *.tmp is a wildcard that matches any characters, so this command lists all files ending with .tmp. You should see file1.tmp, file2.tmp, and file3.tmp.

  2. Now, let's remove all three files at once:

    rm file1.tmp file2.tmp file3.tmp

    This command removes all three files in one go. You can list multiple files to be removed, separated by spaces.

    What's happening here?

    • The rm command is being applied to each file listed after it
    • Each file is deleted separately, but in a single command
    • If one file doesn't exist, rm will still proceed with the others
  3. To verify that the files have been removed, let's use the wildcard again:

    ls *.tmp

    This time, you should see an error message like "No such file or directory" or no output at all, indicating that there are no .tmp files left in the directory.

What if something goes wrong?

  • If you see "No such file or directory" when trying to remove the files, it might mean the files were already deleted. This isn't a problem - rm will simply ignore files that don't exist.

  • If you still see some .tmp files after running the rm command, double-check the spelling in your command and try again. Remember, you can use the up arrow key to recall the previous command and edit it.

  • If you're removing many files and want to see what's being deleted, you can add the -v (verbose) option: rm -v file1.tmp file2.tmp file3.tmp. This will print the name of each file as it's being removed.

Removing a Directory

Removing directories requires a different approach. Let's practice removing a directory and its contents.

  1. First, let's check the contents of the old_projects directory:

    ls old_projects

    You should see project1.txt and project2.txt listed.

  2. Now, let's try to remove the directory using the standard rm command:

    rm old_projects

    You should see an error message like "Is a directory". This is a safety feature of rm to prevent accidental deletion of directories and their contents.

  3. To remove a directory and its contents, we need to use the -r (recursive) option:

    rm -r old_projects

    The -r option tells rm to recursively remove the directory and everything inside it.

    What's happening here?

    • rm enters the old_projects directory
    • It removes all files inside (project1.txt and project2.txt)
    • Then it removes the old_projects directory itself

    Be very careful with this command, as it will delete everything in the specified directory without asking for confirmation.

  4. Verify that the directory has been removed:

    ls old_projects

    You should see an error message like "No such file or directory", confirming that it has been successfully removed.

What if something goes wrong?

  • If you see "Permission denied", it might mean you don't have the necessary permissions to remove the directory or some of its contents. In this lab environment, you should have the right permissions, but in a real-world scenario, you might need to use sudo rm -r (be extremely careful with this!).

  • If the directory is not empty and you didn't use the -r option, rm will refuse to remove it. This is a safety measure to prevent accidental data loss.

  • Always double-check the directory name before using rm -r, as this command can quickly delete large amounts of data if used incorrectly. There's no easy way to recover files deleted with rm -r.

Using the -i Option for Interactive Removal

The -i option provides an extra layer of safety by prompting for confirmation before each file removal. This is especially useful when you're dealing with important files or when you want to carefully review what you're deleting.

  1. First, let's check if the file important_file.txt exists:

    ls important_file.txt

    You should see the filename listed.

  2. Now, let's try to remove the file using the -i option:

    rm -i important_file.txt

    You'll see a prompt asking if you want to remove the file. The prompt will look something like this:

    rm: remove regular file 'important_file.txt'?
  3. To confirm the deletion, type y (for "yes") and press Enter. If you change your mind and want to keep the file, you can type n (for "no") and press Enter.

    What's happening here?

    • The -i option tells rm to ask for confirmation before each removal
    • You have to explicitly say "yes" to each file deletion
    • This gives you a chance to review and potentially cancel the deletion
  4. Verify whether the file has been removed:

    ls important_file.txt

    If you confirmed the deletion (by typing y), you should see an error message indicating that the file doesn't exist. If you chose not to delete the file (by typing n), you should see the filename listed.

What if something goes wrong?

  • If you accidentally type y and delete a file you meant to keep, unfortunately, there's no easy way to recover it. This is why it's good practice to have backups of important files.

  • If you're removing multiple files with rm -i, you'll be prompted for each file. If you change your mind partway through, you can press Ctrl+C to cancel the operation. Any files you've already confirmed for deletion will be gone, but it will stop deleting the rest.

The -i option is particularly useful when you're deleting multiple files and want to review each deletion individually. It can help prevent accidental deletion of important files. However, be aware that if you're deleting a large number of files, it can become tedious to confirm each deletion.


In this lab, you've learned how to use the rm command in Linux to remove files and directories. You've practiced:

  1. Removing a single file
  2. Removing multiple files
  3. Removing directories with the -r option
  4. Using the -i option for interactive removal

Remember, the rm command is a powerful tool, but it needs to be used with caution. Unlike graphical interfaces where deleted files often go to a "Trash" folder, rm deletes files permanently. Always double-check your command before pressing Enter, particularly when working with important files or directories.

Some key points to remember:

  • Use rm filename to remove a single file
  • Use rm file1 file2 file3 to remove multiple files
  • Use rm -r directory to remove a directory and its contents
  • Use rm -i filename for interactive removal, where you'll be asked to confirm each deletion

As you become more comfortable with rm, you might encounter other useful options like -f (force removal without prompting) or -v (verbose mode, which prints removed files). However, always be extra careful with these advanced options.

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