Linux Logic Operations

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Welcome to the mystical world of Avalon, where logic reigns supreme, and legendary warriors are tasked with deciphering the secrets of the ancient scripts to maintain peace and order. In this enchanting realm, a certain Lionhearted Knight has been entrusted with a critical mission: to unlock the logic gates that protect the Kingdom's most valuable asset, the Crown Jewels.

The Crown Jewels have been enchanted with intricate logical puzzles, which can only be bypassed using the power of Linux logic operations. As the Lionhearted Knight, your objective is to demonstrate your worthiness by navigating through these puzzles to gain access to the treasure.

Prepare to be challenged, learn the ways of Linux logic, and may your journey be adventurous and enlightening!

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/logical("`Logic Operations`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/logical -.-> lab-271325{{"`Linux Logic Operations`"}} end

Understanding Basic Logical Operations

In this step, you'll set the foundation by learning about basic logical operations in the Linux environment. You'll discover how to use logical operators to control the flow of your Linux commands and scripts.

First, enter the directory /home/labex/project.

cd ~/project

Create a script called using your favorite text editor.


In this script, write a sequence of conditional statements using logical operators && (AND) and || (OR). Your script should check if two files, treasure_map.txt and shield.txt, both exist in the current directory.


if [[ -f "treasure_map.txt" ]] && [[ -f "shield.txt" ]]; then
  echo "Both files exist. Proceed with the mission."
  echo "One or both files are missing. Abort the mission!"

Make the script executable and run it:

chmod +x

The expected outcome should confirm the existence of both files.

Logical Operations with File Permissions

File permissions in Linux are another perfect example to exercise logic operations. The objective in this step is to verify whether a user has the correct permissions on specific files to carry out particular operations.

Create another script called


Add the following content:



if [[ -r "$filename" ]] && [[ -w "$filename" ]]; then
  echo "You have read and write permissions on $filename."
elif [[ -r "$filename" ]] || [[ -w "$filename" ]]; then
  echo "You have limited permissions on $filename."
  echo "You do not have permissions on $filename."

In the terminal, change the permissions of kings_gauntlet.txt and then execute your script to test the different cases.

touch kings_gauntlet.txt
chmod +x
chmod 600 kings_gauntlet.txt ## Modify this accordingly to test your script

The script should output the permission level of the file kings_gauntlet.txt.


In this lab, you journeyed through the kingdom of Avalon as a courageous Lionhearted Knight facing the logical puzzles that protect the Crown Jewels. You were introduced to the basic logical operations in Linux and learned how to apply them to file existence checks and permission verifications.

Designing this lab required a balance of creating an engaging storyline and offering substantial technical learning. The goal was to immerse the learner in a narrative that would hold their interest while providing valuable Linux logical operation skills. I've found that incorporating a story can make the learning process more enjoyable and memorable.

Your accomplishment in this lab not only enhanced your Linux skills but also showed the importance of logical reasoning in problem-solving. You are now better equipped to face real-world challenges with the power of logical operations in Linux. Keep honing your skills, brave Knight, and may your logical prowess continue to grow!

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