Linux Directory Tree Display

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Imagine you are in the year 2045, in a super-technological city called "Techville." The city where every aspect of life is integrated with advanced technologies, from AI traffic control to smart homes that know what you need before you do. You are part of the Techville's Cyber Patrol, a team responsible for protecting the complex city's data infrastructure.

As a Cyber Patrol officer, your main goal is to ensure the integrity and security of the data within Techville's nervously interconnected systems. One day, you receive intel about a possible anomaly in the directory structures of the city's central servers. Your mission is to analyze the server's directory tree, identify unusual patterns, and guarantee that data is neatly structured and secure. The tree command in Linux will be your primary tool for this operation.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/tree("`Directory Tree Display`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/tree -.-> lab-271413{{"`Linux Directory Tree Display`"}} end

Basic Tree Command Usage

In this step, you will familiarize yourself with the basic functionality of the tree command, which is used to display directory and file structures.

First, make sure you are in the correct working directory:

cd ~/project

Within the ~/project directory, create a sample directory structure:

mkdir -p ./logs/2023/{January,February,March}
touch ./logs/2023/January/log1.txt
touch ./logs/2023/February/log2.txt
touch ./logs/2023/March/log3.txt

Now, let's run the basic tree command to see our file structure:


You should see an output similar to this:

└── logs
    └── 2023
        ├── January
        │   └── log1.txt
        ├── February
        │   └── log2.txt
        └── March
            └── log3.txt

The tree command reveals the hierarchical structure of directories and files starting from the current directory.

Advanced Tree Command Usage

Now that you're familiar with the standard tree output, it's time to learn some advanced options.

In this step, you will limit the depth of the directory tree displayed. Create a deeper directory structure first:

mkdir -p ~/project/backups/2023/{January,February,March}/{week1,week2,week3}
touch ~/project/backups/2023/January/week1/data.bak

To limit the display to three levels deep, use the -L option followed by the number 3:

tree -L 3

You should see an output that no longer shows the deepest levels:

├── backups
│   └── 2023
│       ├── January
│       ├── February
│       └── March
└── logs
    └── 2023
        ├── January
        ├── February
        └── March


In this lab, you became the guardian of Techville's data as you navigated the Linux directory tree using the tree command. You learned how to display a basic directory structure and how to leverage advanced options to limit the depth of displayed directories, sharpening your skills for real-world scenarios where data structure visibility is crucial. Your hands-on practice has prepared you to maintain order in the ever-evolving skyline of files and directories, an essential task for the security and efficiency of Techville's digital landscape.

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