How to Fix Could Not Chdir to Home Directory Error

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The "could not chdir to home directory" error is a common issue faced by Linux users. This error typically appears when a user logs in but the system cannot change to their home directory. This tutorial will guide you through understanding what causes this error, how to reproduce it in a controlled environment, diagnosing the issue, and effectively resolving the problem on your Linux system.

Understanding the Home Directory Error

The "Could not chdir to home directory" error occurs when Linux cannot access your home directory during login. Let us understand what this means in practical terms.

What is the Home Directory?

In Linux systems, every user has a dedicated home directory where personal files and configurations are stored. For most users, this directory is located at /home/username. For example, the default user in this lab environment has a home directory at /home/labex.

You can verify your home directory path with this command:

echo $HOME

This should display your home directory path, which for our lab environment is:


What Happens During Login?

When you log in to a Linux system, several things happen:

  1. The system authenticates your username and password
  2. It reads your user information from /etc/passwd
  3. It attempts to change to your home directory
  4. If the system cannot access your home directory, it displays the "Could not chdir to home directory" error

Let us examine your user information in the system:

grep labex /etc/passwd

You should see output similar to:


This line contains several fields separated by colons, with the sixth field showing your home directory path.

Common Causes of the Error

The most common causes of the "Could not chdir to home directory" error are:

  1. The home directory does not exist
  2. The home directory has incorrect permissions
  3. The home directory path in /etc/passwd is incorrect
  4. The user does not have access rights to the home directory

In the next step, we will deliberately create this error to better understand it.

Creating a Test User to Simulate the Error

To better understand the "Could not chdir to home directory" error, we will create a test user and then deliberately cause this error. This hands-on approach will help us understand how to diagnose and fix the issue.

Creating a Test User

First, let us create a new user named testuser:

sudo useradd testuser

Now we need to set a password for this user:

sudo passwd testuser

When prompted, enter a simple password like password123. You will need to enter it twice.

Let us verify that the user was created by checking the /etc/passwd file:

grep testuser /etc/passwd

You should see output similar to:


This confirms that the system expects testuser to have a home directory at /home/testuser.

Simulating the Error

Now, let us check if the home directory for testuser actually exists:

ls -la /home/testuser

You might notice that this directory does not exist yet. This is because the useradd command without the -m flag does not automatically create the home directory. This is exactly the kind of situation that causes the "Could not chdir to home directory" error.

To see this error in action, we can try to switch to the testuser account:

sudo su - testuser

You should see an error message similar to:

No directory, logging in with HOME=/
Could not chdir to home directory /home/testuser: No such file or directory

This confirms that we have successfully reproduced the error. You are now logged in as testuser but in the root directory / instead of the home directory.

Type exit to return to your regular user account:


Now that we have observed the error, let us learn how to diagnose and fix it.

Diagnosing the Home Directory Error

Now that we have created a user with the "Could not chdir to home directory" error, let us diagnose the issue systematically. This process will help you identify similar problems in real-world scenarios.

Checking the User Information

First, let us confirm what home directory the system expects for our test user:

grep testuser /etc/passwd

The output should show something like:


This tells us that the system is looking for the home directory at /home/testuser.

Verifying the Home Directory Existence

Next, let us check if the specified home directory actually exists:

ls -la /home | grep testuser

Since we created the user without the -m flag, this directory does not exist, which is causing our error.

Checking User Group Membership

Let us also verify the group membership of our test user:

groups testuser

The output might show:

testuser : testuser

This indicates that testuser belongs to a group also called testuser.

Directory Permissions

If the home directory did exist, we would check its permissions:

ls -ld /home

The output might look like:

drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 15 12:34 /home

This shows that the /home directory has the correct permissions (readable and executable by all users), which means we could create a directory for our user inside it.

Diagnosis Summary

Based on our investigation, we can conclude that the error for testuser is caused by a missing home directory. The user account exists, but the corresponding home directory at /home/testuser does not.

In the next step, we will fix this issue and resolve the error.

Resolving the Home Directory Error

Now that we understand the cause of the "Could not chdir to home directory" error for our test user, let us fix it. We will explore multiple solutions that address different root causes of this error.

Solution 1: Creating the Missing Home Directory

Since our diagnosis revealed that the home directory for testuser does not exist, we can create it:

sudo mkdir -p /home/testuser

Next, we need to set the correct ownership for this directory:

sudo chown testuser:testuser /home/testuser

We also need to set the appropriate permissions:

sudo chmod 755 /home/testuser

Let us verify the directory was created with the correct ownership and permissions:

ls -ld /home/testuser

You should see output similar to:

drwxr-xr-x 2 testuser testuser 4096 Sep 15 13:45 /home/testuser

Now, let us try to switch to the testuser account again:

sudo su - testuser

This time, you should be able to log in without seeing the "Could not chdir to home directory" error. Type pwd to confirm you are in the correct directory:


The output should be:


Type exit to return to your regular user account:


Solution 2: Copying Default User Files

When we manually create a home directory, it lacks the default configuration files. Let us copy these files from the system defaults:

sudo cp -r /etc/skel/. /home/testuser/

Let us verify the files were copied:

ls -la /home/testuser

You should now see hidden files like .bashrc, .profile, and others.

We need to ensure these files have the correct ownership:

sudo chown -R testuser:testuser /home/testuser

Solution 3: Recreating the User with a Home Directory

An alternative approach is to delete and recreate the user with the -m flag, which automatically creates the home directory:

sudo userdel -r testuser
sudo useradd -m testuser
sudo passwd testuser

When prompted, set a password like password123 again.

Let us verify the new user account has a home directory:

ls -ld /home/testuser

The output should confirm that the directory exists with the correct ownership.

Verifying the Fix

To make sure our fix worked, let us try to log in as testuser one more time:

sudo su - testuser

Type pwd to confirm you are in the correct directory:


The output should be:


Type exit to return to your regular user account:


You have successfully resolved the "Could not chdir to home directory" error for our test user.

Preventing Home Directory Errors

Now that we know how to fix the "Could not chdir to home directory" error, let us learn how to prevent it from occurring in the first place. This step will cover best practices for user management in Linux.

Using the Correct User Creation Commands

When creating new users, always use the -m flag with the useradd command to automatically create the home directory:

sudo useradd -m newuser

Alternatively, you can use the more user-friendly adduser command, which creates the home directory by default:

sudo adduser newuser2

The adduser command will interactively prompt you for additional information such as password and user details.

Let us verify that both methods created home directories:

ls -ld /home/newuser /home/newuser2

You should see that both directories exist with the correct ownership.

Configuring Default User Settings

To ensure all new users automatically get a home directory, you can modify the system defaults in the /etc/login.defs file. Let us examine the current settings:

grep CREATE_HOME /etc/login.defs

The output should show:


This confirms that the system is already configured to create home directories for new users automatically.

Regular Maintenance Checks

To prevent home directory issues, you can run periodic checks on your system. Here is a simple script that identifies users without home directories:

nano ~/

Copy and paste the following script:

echo "Checking for users with missing home directories..."
while IFS=: read -r username _ _ _ _ homedir _; do
  if [ -n "$homedir" ] && [ "$homedir" != "/" ] && [ ! -d "$homedir" ]; then
    echo "User $username is missing home directory: $homedir"
done < /etc/passwd
echo "Check complete."

Save the file by pressing Ctrl+O, then Enter, and exit with Ctrl+X.

Make the script executable:

chmod +x ~/

Run the script to check for missing home directories:


The script will list any users with missing home directories.

Backing Up Home Directories

To prevent data loss that could lead to home directory issues, implement a regular backup schedule:

sudo mkdir -p /backup/home
sudo rsync -a /home/ /backup/home/

This command creates a backup of all home directories. In a production environment, you would typically schedule this with cron or a similar tool.


By following these preventive measures, you can avoid the "Could not chdir to home directory" error in your Linux systems:

  1. Always use the -m flag with useradd or use adduser instead
  2. Verify system defaults in /etc/login.defs
  3. Run regular checks for missing home directories
  4. Implement a backup strategy for home directories

These practices will ensure that your users always have access to their home directories when they log in.


In this lab, you learned how to handle the "Could not chdir to home directory" error in Linux systems. You now understand:

  1. What causes the error - typically a missing or inaccessible home directory
  2. How to diagnose the issue by checking user information, directory existence, and permissions
  3. How to resolve the error by creating the missing home directory and setting appropriate ownership and permissions
  4. How to prevent the error by using proper user creation commands and implementing regular maintenance checks

These skills will help you manage Linux user accounts more effectively and ensure a smooth login experience for all users on your systems.