How to Find the Target of a Symbolic Link

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This tutorial will guide you through the process of finding the target of a symbolic link on your Linux system. Symbolic links, also known as symlinks, are a special type of file that act as a pointer to another file or directory. Learning how to identify and resolve the target of a symlink is a valuable skill for Linux users and developers.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup(["`File and Directory Management`"]) linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup(["`Basic File Operations`"]) linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/find("`File Searching`") linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/which("`Command Locating`") linux/FileandDirectoryManagementGroup -.-> linux/whereis("`File/Command Finding`") linux/BasicFileOperationsGroup -.-> linux/ln("`Link Creating`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/find -.-> lab-392854{{"`How to Find the Target of a Symbolic Link`"}} linux/which -.-> lab-392854{{"`How to Find the Target of a Symbolic Link`"}} linux/whereis -.-> lab-392854{{"`How to Find the Target of a Symbolic Link`"}} linux/ln -.-> lab-392854{{"`How to Find the Target of a Symbolic Link`"}} end

In the Linux operating system, symbolic links, also known as symlinks, are a special type of file that serves as a reference to another file or directory. Unlike hard links, which create an additional entry in the file system that points to the same underlying data, symbolic links contain a pointer to the path of the target file or directory.

Symbolic links provide a way to create shortcuts or aliases to files and directories, making it easier to access them from different locations in the file system. They are particularly useful when you want to create a reference to a file or directory that may be located in a different directory or even on a different storage device.

Symbolic links can be created for both files and directories, and they can be used to overcome various file system limitations, such as the inability to create hard links across file system boundaries or the need to access files in a different directory hierarchy.

graph LR A[/home/user/document.txt] --> B[/home/user/symlink.txt] B --> A

In the above diagram, symlink.txt is a symbolic link that points to the target file document.txt. When you access symlink.txt, it transparently redirects to the actual file document.txt.

Symbolic links can be a powerful tool in Linux, allowing you to create flexible and dynamic file system structures that can simplify your workflow and improve the organization of your files and directories.

To identify the target of a symbolic link, you can use various commands and techniques in the Linux command line. Here are some common methods:

Using the ls Command

The ls command with the -l (long listing) option can provide information about a symbolic link, including the target file or directory it points to. For example:

$ ls -l /home/user/symlink.txt
lrwxrwxrwx 1 user user 20 Apr 24 12:34 /home/user/symlink.txt -> /home/user/document.txt

In the output, the -> symbol indicates that /home/user/symlink.txt is a symbolic link that points to /home/user/document.txt.

Using the file Command

The file command can also be used to identify the type of a file, including whether it is a symbolic link. For example:

$ file /home/user/symlink.txt
/home/user/symlink.txt: symbolic link to /home/user/document.txt

The output clearly shows that /home/user/symlink.txt is a symbolic link and the target it points to is /home/user/document.txt.

Checking the File System Hierarchy

You can also navigate the file system and visually inspect the directory structure to identify the target of a symbolic link. This can be particularly useful when the symbolic link is part of a more complex file system hierarchy.

By understanding these techniques for identifying symbolic link targets, you can effectively manage and navigate the file system, leveraging the flexibility and convenience that symbolic links provide.

Once you have identified a symbolic link, the next step is to locate the target file or directory that the link points to. There are several ways to do this in Linux:

The readlink command is a powerful tool for resolving the target of a symbolic link. It can provide the full path of the target file or directory. For example:

$ readlink /home/user/symlink.txt

The output shows that the symbolic link /home/user/symlink.txt points to the target file /home/user/document.txt.

You can also resolve the full path of a symbolic link by using the realpath command. This command follows the chain of symbolic links and returns the absolute path of the final target. For example:

$ realpath /home/user/symlink.txt

The output is the same as the readlink command, but realpath provides the absolute path of the target.

If a symbolic link points to another symbolic link, you can use the readlink or realpath commands recursively to follow the chain of links and locate the final target. For example:

$ ln -s /home/user/document.txt /home/user/symlink1.txt
$ ln -s /home/user/symlink1.txt /home/user/symlink2.txt
$ readlink -f /home/user/symlink2.txt

In this case, symlink2.txt points to symlink1.txt, which in turn points to the final target document.txt. The -f (follow) option of readlink ensures that the entire chain of symbolic links is resolved.

By understanding these techniques for locating the target of a symbolic link, you can effectively navigate and manage the file system, even in complex scenarios involving nested symbolic links.

The readlink command is a powerful tool for resolving the target of a symbolic link in Linux. It provides several options that allow you to customize the output and handle different scenarios.

Basic Usage

The most basic usage of readlink is to simply provide the path of the symbolic link as an argument:

$ readlink /home/user/symlink.txt

This will output the target path that the symbolic link points to.

Handling Relative Paths

If the symbolic link has a relative path, you can use the -f (full path) option to get the absolute path of the target:

$ ln -s ../document.txt /home/user/symlink.txt
$ readlink -f /home/user/symlink.txt

When a symbolic link points to another symbolic link, you can use the -f option to follow the chain of links and get the final target:

$ ln -s /home/user/symlink1.txt /home/user/symlink2.txt
$ readlink -f /home/user/symlink2.txt

The readlink command also provides options to display additional information about the symbolic link:

  • -n: Omits the trailing newline character from the output
  • -e: Prints the canonicalized absolute path of the target
  • -m: Prints the target of the symbolic link, even if it is a broken link

By understanding the various options and use cases of the readlink command, you can effectively locate and manage the targets of symbolic links in your Linux environment.

In addition to the readlink command, Linux provides another useful tool called realpath for resolving the full, canonical path of a symbolic link. While readlink focuses on returning the target of a symbolic link, realpath goes one step further and provides the absolute path of the final target.

Using the realpath Command

The realpath command can be used to follow the chain of symbolic links and return the absolute path of the final target. For example:

$ ln -s /home/user/document.txt /home/user/symlink1.txt
$ ln -s /home/user/symlink1.txt /home/user/symlink2.txt
$ realpath /home/user/symlink2.txt

In this case, symlink2.txt points to symlink1.txt, which in turn points to the final target document.txt. The realpath command follows the chain of links and returns the absolute path of the final target.

Handling Relative Paths

Similar to readlink, realpath can also handle relative paths and resolve them to their absolute form:

$ ln -s ../document.txt /home/user/symlink.txt
$ realpath /home/user/symlink.txt

The realpath command can also handle broken symbolic links, where the target file or directory no longer exists. In such cases, realpath will still return the path of the broken link:

$ ln -s /path/to/non-existent.txt /home/user/broken_link.txt
$ realpath /home/user/broken_link.txt

By using the realpath command, you can effectively resolve the full, canonical path of a symbolic link, even in complex scenarios involving nested or broken links. This can be particularly useful when you need to access the actual target of a symbolic link programmatically or when working with file system operations.

Identifying and resolving the targets of symbolic links in Linux has numerous practical applications. Here are a few examples:

File System Maintenance and Cleanup

When performing file system maintenance or cleanup, it's important to understand the relationships between files and directories, including symbolic links. By locating the targets of symbolic links, you can ensure that you're not accidentally deleting or modifying important files that are referenced by symbolic links.

Backup and Restoration

During backup and restoration processes, it's crucial to preserve the integrity of symbolic links. By resolving the targets of symbolic links, you can ensure that the backup accurately captures the file system structure, including the references to the target files or directories.

Script and Application Development

When writing scripts or developing applications that interact with the file system, being able to resolve symbolic link targets can be essential. This information can be used to make informed decisions about file paths, access permissions, and other file system-related operations.

Troubleshooting and Diagnostics

If you encounter issues related to symbolic links, such as broken links or unexpected file system behavior, being able to locate the target of a symbolic link can greatly assist in the troubleshooting process. This information can help you identify the root cause of the problem and take appropriate actions to resolve it.

LabEx Integration

LabEx, a leading provider of Linux-based solutions, often leverages the power of symbolic links in their products and services. By understanding how to locate the targets of symbolic links, LabEx customers and users can more effectively integrate and manage their LabEx-powered systems.

By mastering the techniques for finding the targets of symbolic links, you can unlock a wide range of practical benefits and improve your overall efficiency when working with the Linux file system.


By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to confidently locate the target of any symbolic link on your Linux system. Whether you're troubleshooting file system issues, managing your development environment, or simply curious about the inner workings of your Linux system, the ability to see where a symlink points is an essential skill to have.

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