How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux

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This tutorial will guide you through the fundamentals of the tr (translate) command in Linux, a versatile tool for manipulating and transforming text data. You will learn how to use the tr command to remove duplicate characters, as well as explore practical examples of its usage for various text processing tasks.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/TextProcessingGroup(["`Text Processing`"]) linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/grep("`Pattern Searching`") linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/sed("`Stream Editing`") linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/awk("`Text Processing`") linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/uniq("`Duplicate Filtering`") linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/tr("`Character Translating`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/grep -.-> lab-415205{{"`How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux`"}} linux/sed -.-> lab-415205{{"`How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux`"}} linux/awk -.-> lab-415205{{"`How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux`"}} linux/uniq -.-> lab-415205{{"`How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux`"}} linux/tr -.-> lab-415205{{"`How to Deduplicate Text Using the tr Command in Linux`"}} end

Understanding the tr Command in Linux

The tr (translate) command is a powerful tool in the Linux command-line environment that allows you to manipulate and transform text data. It is primarily used for character substitution, deletion, and translation, making it a versatile utility for various text processing tasks.

The basic syntax of the tr command is as follows:


Here, SET1 and SET2 represent the sets of characters to be translated or manipulated. The tr command can perform the following operations:

  1. Character Substitution: Replace characters in the input stream with corresponding characters from SET2. For example, tr 'abc' 'xyz' would replace all occurrences of 'a' with 'x', 'b' with 'y', and 'c' with 'z'.

  2. Character Deletion: Remove characters from the input stream that are present in SET1. For example, tr -d 'aeiou' would remove all vowels from the input.

  3. Character Squeezing: Reduce multiple occurrences of characters in SET1 to a single instance. This can be achieved using the -s (squeeze) option. For example, tr -s ' ' would replace multiple consecutive spaces with a single space.

The tr command also supports character classes, which are predefined sets of characters that can be used in SET1 and SET2. Some common character classes include:

  • [:alnum:]: Alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9)
  • [:alpha:]: Alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z)
  • [:digit:]: Numeric characters (0-9)
  • [:lower:]: Lowercase alphabetic characters (a-z)
  • [:upper:]: Uppercase alphabetic characters (A-Z)
  • [:space:]: White space characters (space, tab, newline, etc.)

Here's an example of using the tr command to convert all uppercase letters to lowercase:

echo "HELLO, WORLD!" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'


hello, world!

By understanding the basic syntax and functionality of the tr command, you can leverage it to perform a wide range of text manipulation tasks, making it a valuable tool in your Linux command-line arsenal.

Removing Duplicate Characters Using the tr Command

One of the common use cases of the tr command is to remove duplicate characters from text data. This can be particularly useful when working with data files, logs, or any text-based information where you need to eliminate redundant characters.

To remove duplicate characters using the tr command, you can leverage the -s (squeeze) option. This option will replace consecutive occurrences of the characters specified in SET1 with a single instance.

Here's an example of using the tr command to remove duplicate characters:

echo "Hello, world! Hello, world!" | tr -s ' '


Hello, world! Hello, world!

In the above example, the tr -s ' ' command replaces all consecutive spaces with a single space, effectively removing any duplicate spaces.

You can also use character classes to remove duplicate characters. For instance, to remove all duplicate alphabetic characters (a-z, A-Z) from a string, you can use the following command:

echo "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz" | tr -s '[:alpha:]'



By using the [:alpha:] character class, the tr command will remove any consecutive duplicate alphabetic characters, leaving only a single instance of each character.

The tr command's ability to remove duplicate characters can be particularly useful in data cleaning, log analysis, and other text processing tasks where you need to eliminate redundant information and maintain a clean, concise data set.

Practical Examples of the tr Command for Deduplication

The tr command's ability to remove duplicate characters can be applied to a variety of practical scenarios. Let's explore some examples to demonstrate its usefulness.

Removing Duplicate Words in a Text File

Suppose you have a text file containing a list of words, and you want to remove any duplicate words to create a unique list. You can use the tr command in combination with other tools like sort and uniq to achieve this:

cat word_list.txt | tr -s '[:alpha:]' '\n' | sort | uniq


  • cat word_list.txt reads the contents of the word_list.txt file.
  • tr -s '[:alpha:]' '\n' replaces all consecutive alphabetic characters with a newline, effectively separating each word into a new line.
  • sort arranges the words in alphabetical order.
  • uniq removes any consecutive duplicate lines, leaving only unique words.

This combination of commands will output a list of unique words from the input file.

Deduplicating Columns in a CSV File

When working with CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data, you may encounter situations where you need to remove duplicate values in a specific column. You can use the tr command along with cut to achieve this:

cat data.csv | tr -s ',' '\n' | cut -d',' -f3 | sort | uniq


  • cat data.csv reads the contents of the data.csv file.
  • tr -s ',' '\n' replaces all consecutive commas with newlines, effectively separating each row into individual lines.
  • cut -d',' -f3 extracts the third column (field) from each line.
  • sort arranges the values in alphabetical order.
  • uniq removes any consecutive duplicate lines, leaving only unique values in the third column.

This command sequence will output a list of unique values from the third column of the CSV file.

These examples demonstrate how the tr command can be combined with other Linux utilities to perform practical text manipulation and deduplication tasks. By understanding the versatility of the tr command, you can streamline your data processing workflows and maintain clean, deduplicated data sets.


The tr command is a powerful Linux utility that allows you to perform character substitution, deletion, and translation. By understanding its basic syntax and functionality, you can leverage the tr command to streamline your text processing workflows, including the removal of duplicate characters. This tutorial has provided you with the knowledge and examples to effectively use the tr command for your text deduplication needs in the Linux environment.

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