File Structure Visualization With Tre

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The tre command is a powerful tool for Linux users who need to visualize their file system in an easy-to-understand tree format. This tutorial will guide you through using tre to see the contents of directories in a structured manner, helping you manage files more efficiently.

Skills Graph

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Exploring Directory Trees With Tre

Viewing the Current Directory Structure

Open the terminal ( ① or ② in the figure ) in the environment and enter the following command:

tre -e

This command displays the tree structure for the current directory, showing all nested directories and files.

Visualizing a Specific Directory

To visualize the tree structure of any specific directory, just add the path:

tre -e tre/src

Controlling the Depth of the Tree

tre -l 2

The -l option limits the depth of the tree shown. Here, 2 means that tre will show two levels of directories deep.

Including Hidden Files

tre -a

The -a option includes hidden files (those starting with a dot . ) in the tree output, providing a complete overview.

Displaying Only Directories

tre -d

Use the -d option to display only directories, omitting files from the output, which can simplify the view in very populated directories.


The tre command is a versatile tool that enhances your file management and navigation experience by providing a clear and customizable view of your directory structure. By integrating tre into your daily workflow, you can quickly assess the structure of your projects and access files efficiently. Whether you're a system administrator, a developer, or just a casual Linux user, mastering tre will make navigating complex file systems a breeze.

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