Display OS Info Stylishly with Neofetch

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Neofetch is a highly customizable command-line utility that fetches information about your operating system, hardware, and software and displays it in an aesthetic and visually pleasing way. It's popular among users who want to share their system setups on social media or need a quick glance at their system's details.


Skills Graph

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Exploring Neofetch Outputs

Run Neofetch to display system information, open the terminal ( ① or ② in the figure ) in the environment and enter the following command:


When you run the command above, Neofetch collects data about your system such as the operating system, kernel version, uptime, number of packages, theme, icons, CPU, GPU, and memory usage. It typically displays this information alongside your system's logo ASCII art.


Neofetch is a versatile tool that not only provides essential system information in a clear and concise format but also does it with style. By customizing Neofetch, you can make the output fit your aesthetic preferences, making it a fun addition to any system administrator's toolkit or any user interested in system customization.

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