How to use the `--author` option with `git log` command

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Git is a powerful version control system that enables developers to manage and collaborate on code projects effectively. In this tutorial, we will explore the --author option of the git log command, which allows you to filter commit logs based on the author's name or email address. By understanding and applying this feature, you can gain valuable insights into your project's history and contributors.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/GitHubIntegrationToolsGroup(["`GitHub Integration Tools`"]) git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/BranchManagementGroup(["`Branch Management`"]) git/GitHubIntegrationToolsGroup -.-> git/cli_config("`Configure CLI`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/log("`Show Commits`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/shortlog("`Condensed Logs`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/reflog("`Log Ref Changes`") subgraph Lab Skills git/cli_config -.-> lab-417437{{"`How to use the `--author` option with `git log` command`"}} git/log -.-> lab-417437{{"`How to use the `--author` option with `git log` command`"}} git/shortlog -.-> lab-417437{{"`How to use the `--author` option with `git log` command`"}} git/reflog -.-> lab-417437{{"`How to use the `--author` option with `git log` command`"}} end

Understanding the git log Command

The git log command is a fundamental tool in the Git version control system. It allows you to view the commit history of a Git repository, including information about the commits, such as the author, date, and commit message.

Basics of git log

The basic usage of the git log command is simply running git log in the terminal within a Git repository. This will display the commit history, showing the most recent commits first.

$ git log
commit 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l3m4n5o6p7q8r9s0
Author: LabEx Developer <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Apr 14 10:30:00 2023 +0000

    Implement new feature X

commit 9s8r7q6p5o4n3m2l1k0j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a
Author: LabEx Contributor <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Apr 13 15:45:00 2023 +0000

    Fix bug in module Y

The output shows the commit hash, the author, the date, and the commit message for each commit in the repository's history.

You can use various options with the git log command to filter and navigate the commit history. For example, you can limit the number of commits displayed, search for commits by author, or view the changes made in each commit.

## Show the last 5 commits
$ git log -n 5

## Show commits by a specific author
$ git log --author="LabEx Developer"

## Show the changes in each commit
$ git log -p

These options can be combined to further refine the output and help you find the information you need.

Exploring the --author Option

The --author option in the git log command allows you to filter the commit history by the author of the commits. This can be particularly useful when working on a project with multiple contributors, as you can easily view the commits made by a specific person.

Using the --author Option

To use the --author option, simply add it to the git log command followed by the author's name or email address. For example:

$ git log --author="LabEx Developer"
commit 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l3m4n5o6p7q8r9s0
Author: LabEx Developer <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Apr 14 10:30:00 2023 +0000

    Implement new feature X

commit 7s6r5q4p3o2n1m0l9k8j7i6h5g4f3e2d1c0b9a
Author: LabEx Developer <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Apr 12 14:15:00 2023 +0000

    Refactor module Z

This will display only the commits made by the author "LabEx Developer".

Partial Matches and Regular Expressions

The --author option also supports partial matches and regular expressions. This allows you to search for commits by authors whose names or email addresses contain a specific pattern.

## Find commits by authors with "LabEx" in their name or email
$ git log --author="LabEx"

## Find commits by authors whose email addresses end with ""
$ git log --author=".*$"

These advanced search capabilities can be very helpful when working on large projects with many contributors.

Combining the --author Option

The --author option can be combined with other git log options to further refine the search. For example, you can use it together with the -n option to limit the number of commits displayed.

## Show the last 5 commits by "LabEx Developer"
$ git log -n 5 --author="LabEx Developer"

By mastering the --author option, you can efficiently navigate and analyze the commit history of your Git repository, making it a powerful tool in your Git workflow.

Practical Applications and Examples

The --author option in the git log command has a wide range of practical applications and use cases. Here are a few examples of how you can leverage this feature:

Reviewing a Specific Contributor's Work

When working on a team project, you may want to review the work done by a specific team member. The --author option allows you to easily filter the commit history to see all the commits made by that person.

$ git log --author="LabEx Contributor"
commit 9s8r7q6p5o4n3m2l1k0j9i8h7g6f5e4d3c2b1a
Author: LabEx Contributor <[email protected]>
Date:   Thu Apr 13 15:45:00 2023 +0000

    Fix bug in module Y

commit 2a4c6e8g0i2k4m6o8q0s
Author: LabEx Contributor <[email protected]>
Date:   Tue Apr 11 11:20:00 2023 +0000

    Improve performance in feature Z

This can be helpful for code reviews, understanding the project's history, or tracking the progress of individual team members.

Investigating Commit Authorship

In some cases, you may need to investigate who made a particular commit. The --author option can be used to find the author of a commit, even if you don't have the commit hash.

$ git log --author="LabEx Developer" --grep="Implement new feature X"
commit 1a2b3c4d5e6f7g8h9i0j1k2l3m4n5o6p7q8r9s0
Author: LabEx Developer <[email protected]>
Date:   Fri Apr 14 10:30:00 2023 +0000

    Implement new feature X

This can be useful when collaborating on a project or when investigating issues or bugs.

Generating Reports and Statistics

The --author option can also be used to generate reports and statistics about the contributions made by different team members. For example, you can use it to create a commit count by author over a specific time period.

$ git log --author="LabEx Developer" --pretty=format:"%ad" --date=short --since="2023-04-01" --until="2023-04-30" | wc -l

This command will show the number of commits made by the "LabEx Developer" during the month of April 2023.

By understanding and effectively using the --author option, you can streamline your Git workflow, improve collaboration, and gain valuable insights into the development history of your project.


The --author option in the git log command is a versatile tool that empowers Git users to filter and analyze commit logs based on the author's identity. By mastering this feature, you can enhance your Git workflow, track project contributions, and streamline your version control processes. This tutorial has provided a comprehensive guide to using the --author option, covering its practical applications and real-world examples. With this knowledge, you can leverage the power of Git to improve your programming and collaboration practices.

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