Advanced Git Commit Operations

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Welcome back, Git adventurer! You've taken your first steps into the world of version control, and now it's time to level up your skills. In this lab, we're going to explore some of Git's more advanced commit operations. These techniques will give you even more control over your project's history, allowing you to clean up mistakes, reorganize your work, and collaborate more effectively.

Think of this lab as upgrading your time machine. Not only can you travel through time, but now you'll learn how to alter the timeline itself! Don't worry if this sounds daunting - we'll guide you through each step, explaining not just how to do these operations, but why they're useful in real-world scenarios.

By the end of this lab, you'll be able to amend commits, revert changes, cherry-pick specific commits, perform interactive rebasing, and squash commits. These are powerful tools that professional developers use every day to maintain clean, organized project histories. Let's dive in and take your Git skills to the next level!

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/SetupandConfigGroup(["`Setup and Config`"]) git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/BranchManagementGroup(["`Branch Management`"]) git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/BasicOperationsGroup(["`Basic Operations`"]) git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/DataManagementGroup(["`Data Management`"]) git/SetupandConfigGroup -.-> git/init("`Initialize Repo`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/branch("`Handle Branches`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/checkout("`Switch Branches`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/log("`Show Commits`") git/BasicOperationsGroup -.-> git/add("`Stage Files`") git/BasicOperationsGroup -.-> git/commit("`Create Commit`") git/DataManagementGroup -.-> git/reset("`Undo Changes`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/rebase("`Reapply Commits`") git/BranchManagementGroup -.-> git/cherry_pick("`Cherry Pick`") subgraph Lab Skills git/init -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/branch -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/checkout -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/log -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/add -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/commit -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/reset -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/rebase -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} git/cherry_pick -.-> lab-387471{{"`Advanced Git Commit Operations`"}} end

Setting Up Your Workspace

Before we start our advanced operations, let's set up a new workspace. We'll create a new directory and initialize a Git repository in it.

Open your terminal and type these commands:

cd ~/project
mkdir git-advanced-lab
cd git-advanced-lab
git init

Let's break down what these commands do:

  1. cd ~/project: This changes your current directory to the "project" folder in your home directory.
  2. mkdir git-advanced-lab: This creates a new directory named "git-advanced-lab".
  3. cd git-advanced-lab: This moves you into the newly created directory.
  4. git init: This initializes a new Git repository in the current directory.

Now, let's create a simple file to work with:

echo "Hello, Advanced Git" > hello.txt
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Here's what's happening:

  1. echo "Hello, Advanced Git" > hello.txt: This creates a new file named "hello.txt" with the content "Hello, Advanced Git".
  2. git add hello.txt: This stages the new file for commit.
  3. git commit -m "Initial commit": This creates your first commit with the staged changes.

Great! We now have a repository with one commit. Let's check our status:

git status

You should see a message saying that your working tree is clean. This means we're ready to start our advanced operations!

If you encounter any issues, make sure you're in the correct directory and that Git is properly installed on your system. You can check your Git installation by running git --version.

Amending Your Last Commit

Imagine you've just made a commit, but then you realize you forgot to include a change or you made a typo in your commit message. Git allows you to fix this with the --amend option.

Let's try it out. First, let's modify our file:

echo "This is an important file." >> hello.txt

This command appends a new line to our "hello.txt" file. The >> operator is used to append content to an existing file, rather than overwriting it.

Now, let's amend our previous commit to include this change:

git add hello.txt
git commit --amend -m "Initial commit with important note"

Here's what's happening:

  1. git add hello.txt: This stages the changes we just made to "hello.txt".
  2. git commit --amend -m "Initial commit with important note": This takes our staged changes and adds them to the previous commit, also updating the commit message.

What just happened? Instead of creating a new commit, Git took the changes you staged and added them to the previous commit. It also allowed you to change the commit message.

Let's check our log to see the result:

git log --oneline

You should see only one commit, but with the new message. Press q to exit the log view if it doesn't automatically close.

This is incredibly useful when you're working on a feature and realize you forgot to include a small change or made a minor mistake. Instead of having multiple commits for small fixes, you can keep your history clean and organized.

Remember, though: you should only amend commits that haven't been pushed to a shared repository. Amending commits that others have based their work on can cause confusion and conflicts. If you've already pushed the commit, it's better to make a new commit with your changes.

If you encounter any issues, make sure all your changes are staged before amending the commit. You can check the status of your repository at any time with git status.

Reverting a Commit

Sometimes, you might make a commit that you later realize was a mistake. You could use git reset to remove the commit, but this can be problematic if you've already pushed your changes or if others have based their work on your commit. This is where git revert comes in handy.

Let's create a new commit to revert:

echo "This line will be reverted" >> hello.txt
git add hello.txt
git commit -m "Add line to be reverted"

These commands add a new line to our file and create a new commit with this change.

Now, let's revert this commit:

git revert HEAD

This command tells Git to create a new commit that undoes the changes made in the most recent commit (HEAD).

This will open your default text editor for you to edit the commit message. The default message is usually fine, so you can just save and close the editor to complete the revert.

Tip: If your default editor is Vim and you're not familiar with it, don't panic! To save and exit Vim:

  1. Press Esc to ensure you're in command mode
  2. Type :wq
  3. Press Enter

What happened here? Git created a new commit that undoes the changes made in the previous commit. Your file is back to its previous state, but your history shows both the original commit and the revert.

Let's check our log:

git log --oneline

You should see three commits: the initial commit, the commit we're reverting, and the revert commit.

This is powerful because it allows you to undo changes without altering the existing history. This is especially important when working in a team, as it doesn't disrupt the work of others who might have already based their work on your original commit.

If you encounter any issues, make sure you're reverting the correct commit. You can use git log to see the full commit history and git show HEAD to see the details of the most recent commit.

Cherry-picking Commits

Cherry-picking in Git allows you to pick a specific commit from one branch and apply it to another. This can be useful when you want to apply a specific change without merging an entire branch.

First, let's create a new branch and make a commit:

git checkout -b feature-branch
echo "This is a new feature" >> feature.txt
git add feature.txt
git commit -m "Add new feature"

These commands:

  1. Create and switch to a new branch called "feature-branch"
  2. Create a new file "feature.txt" with some content
  3. Stage and commit the new file

Now, let's switch back to our main branch:

git checkout master

We want to bring our new feature to the main branch, but without merging the entire feature branch. Here's where cherry-pick comes in:

git cherry-pick feature-branch

This command tells Git to take the most recent commit from "feature-branch" and apply it to your current branch (master).

Git will create a new commit on your current branch with the changes from the specified commit. If there are any conflicts, Git will pause the cherry-pick and ask you to resolve them.

Let's check our log:

git log --oneline

You should see a new commit on your master branch with the same message as the commit from the feature branch.

Cherry-picking is powerful, but use it wisely. It can lead to duplicate commits if you later merge the entire feature branch. It's most useful for applying specific fixes or features from one branch to another when you don't want to merge the entire branch.

If you encounter any issues, make sure you're on the correct branch when cherry-picking. You can always use git status to check your current branch and state.

Interactive Rebasing

Interactive rebasing is a powerful tool that allows you to modify a series of commits. You can reorder, edit, squash, or even delete commits. This is incredibly useful for cleaning up your commit history before merging or pushing your changes.

Let's create a series of commits to work with:

echo "First change" >> hello.txt
git commit -am "First change"
echo "Second change" >> hello.txt
git commit -am "Second change"
echo "Third change" >> hello.txt
git commit -am "Third change"

These commands create three new commits, each adding a line to our "hello.txt" file.

Now, let's start an interactive rebase:

git rebase -i HEAD~3

This command tells Git to start an interactive rebase on the last three commits. The ~3 means "three commits before the current one".

This will open your default text editor with a list of the last three commits. You'll see something like this:

pick abc1234 First change
pick def5678 Second change
pick ghi9101 Third change

You can change the word 'pick' to:

  • 'r' or 'reword' to change the commit message
  • 's' or 'squash' to combine the commit with the previous commit
  • 'e' or 'edit' to pause the rebase and allow you to make changes
  • 'd' or 'drop' to remove the commit entirely

Let's squash the second commit into the first and reword the third. Change your file to look like this:

pick abc1234 First change
s def5678 Second change
r ghi9101 Third change

Tip: If you're using Vim:

  1. Press i to enter insert mode
  2. Make your changes
  3. Press Esc to exit insert mode
  4. Type :wq and press Enter to save and quit

Save and close the file. Git will first combine the first two commits and prompt you to edit the commit message. When the editor opens for this:

  1. You'll see both commit messages. Edit them to create a single, coherent message.
  2. For example, you might change it to: "First and second changes combined"
  3. Save and close this file.

Next, Git will pause and allow you to reword the third commit message. When the editor opens again:

  1. Change the commit message to something like: "Third change - revised message"
  2. Save and close this file.

After the rebase is complete, check your log:

git log --oneline

The output should look something like this:

86439a7 (HEAD -> master) Third change - revised message
a060d57 First and second changes combined
e35ef24 Add new feature
126b976 Revert "Add line to be reverted"
a2dfaa6 Add line to be reverted
9e4dd71 Initial commit with important note

You should now see fewer commits than before, with the first one combining the first and second changes, and the second one having the revised message for the third change.

Interactive rebasing is a powerful tool, but remember: just like with amending commits, you should avoid rebasing commits that have been pushed to a shared repository, as it rewrites history and can cause problems for other developers.

If you encounter any issues during the rebase, don't panic! You can always use git rebase --abort to cancel the rebase and return to your previous state.

Rebasing from the Root

Sometimes, you might want to modify the entire history of your repository, including the very first commit. This is where git rebase -i --root comes in handy. This command allows you to interactively rebase all commits in your repository, starting from the very first (root) commit.

Let's try this powerful operation:

git rebase -i --root

This will open your default text editor with a list of all commits in your repository, starting from the very first one. You'll likely see more than three commits, including the initial commit, the commits we've been working with, and any revert or cherry-picked commits from previous steps.

You might see something like this:

pick 9e4dd71 Initial commit with important note
pick a2dfaa6 Add line to be reverted
pick 126b976 Revert "Add line to be reverted"
pick e35ef24 Add new feature
pick a060d57 First and second changes combined
pick 86439a7 Third change - revised message

For this exercise, let's change the message of the initial commit and squash the "Revert" commit into it. Modify your file to look like this:

r 9e4dd71 Initial commit with important note
s a2dfaa6 Add line to be reverted
pick 126b976 Revert "Add line to be reverted"
pick e35ef24 Add new feature
pick a060d57 First and second changes combined
pick 86439a7 Third change - revised message

Save and close the file. Git will first prompt you to edit the message for the initial commit. When the editor opens:

  1. Change the commit message to something like: "Initial setup with reverted changes"
  2. Save and close this file.

After that, it will ask you to combine the commit messages for the initial commit and the "Revert" commit. When the editor opens again:

  1. Edit the messages to create a single, coherent message that includes information from both commits.
  2. For example: "Initial setup with reverted changes - Removed unnecessary line"
  3. Save and close this file.

After the rebase is complete, check your log:

git log --oneline
817b24d (HEAD -> master) Third change - revised message
73226ae First and second changes combined
195ef0c Add new feature
f947f55 Revert "Add line to be reverted"
7d13272 Initial setup with reverted changes - Removed unnecessary line

You should now see fewer commits than before, with the first one combining the initial commit and the revert, followed by the other commits we've been working with.

This technique is extremely powerful as it allows you to reshape your entire project history. However, it should be used with extreme caution, especially on shared repositories. Rewriting the root commit will change all subsequent commit hashes, which can cause significant problems for other developers who have based their work on your original history.

If you encounter any issues during this process, remember that you can always use git rebase --abort to cancel the rebase and return to your previous state.


Congratulations, Git master! You've just leveled up your version control skills even further. Let's recap the powerful techniques you've learned:

  1. Amending Commits: You can now fix minor mistakes or add small changes to your most recent commit without creating a new commit.
  2. Reverting Commits: You've learned how to safely undo changes by creating a new commit that reverses a previous one.
  3. Cherry-picking: You can now apply specific commits from one branch to another, giving you fine-grained control over which changes you incorporate.
  4. Interactive Rebasing: You've mastered the art of rewriting history, allowing you to clean up and organize your commits before sharing them with others.
  5. Root Rebasing: You've learned how to reshape your entire project history, starting from the very first commit, giving you ultimate control over your repository's narrative.

These advanced Git operations are incredibly powerful tools in a developer's toolkit. They allow you to maintain a clean, organized commit history, which is crucial when working on large projects or collaborating with a team.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. While these techniques are powerful, they can also cause confusion if used incorrectly, especially in a team setting. Always communicate with your team before rewriting shared history, and be extremely cautious when modifying commits that others may have based their work on, especially when using techniques like root rebasing.

As you continue your journey with Git, you'll find even more advanced techniques and workflows. Don't be afraid to experiment in your own repositories, but always be mindful when working with shared code.

Keep practicing these skills, and soon you'll be effortlessly managing complex projects with ease. Happy coding, and may your commit history always be clean, meaningful, and tell the perfect story of your project's evolution!

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