Packages and Crates

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Welcome to Packages and Crates. This lab is a part of the Rust Book. You can practice your Rust skills in LabEx.

In this lab, we will cover packages and crates, where a crate is the smallest unit of code that the Rust compiler considers and can be a binary crate or a library crate, and a package is a collection of one or more crates that provides a set of functionality.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup(["`Functions and Closures`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup(["`Memory Safety and Management`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/ProjectManagementandOrganizationGroup(["`Project Management and Organization`"]) rust/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> rust/variable_declarations("`Variable Declarations`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/function_syntax("`Function Syntax`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/expressions_statements("`Expressions and Statements`") rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup -.-> rust/lifetime_specifiers("`Lifetime Specifiers`") rust/ProjectManagementandOrganizationGroup -.-> rust/module_system("`Module System`") subgraph Lab Skills rust/variable_declarations -.-> lab-100401{{"`Packages and Crates`"}} rust/function_syntax -.-> lab-100401{{"`Packages and Crates`"}} rust/expressions_statements -.-> lab-100401{{"`Packages and Crates`"}} rust/lifetime_specifiers -.-> lab-100401{{"`Packages and Crates`"}} rust/module_system -.-> lab-100401{{"`Packages and Crates`"}} end

Packages and Crates

The first parts of the module system we'll cover are packages and crates.

A crate is the smallest amount of code that the Rust compiler considers at a time. Even if you run rustc rather than cargo and pass a single source code file (as we did all the way back in "Writing and Running a Rust Program"), the compiler considers that file to be a crate. Crates can contain modules, and the modules may be defined in other files that get compiled with the crate, as we'll see in the coming sections.

A crate can come in one of two forms: a binary crate or a library crate. Binary crates are programs you can compile to an executable that you can run, such as a command line program or a server. Each must have a function called main that defines what happens when the executable runs. All the crates we've created so far have been binary crates.

Library crates don't have a main function, and they don't compile to an executable. Instead, they define functionality intended to be shared with multiple projects. For example, the rand crate we used in Chapter 2 provides functionality that generates random numbers. Most of the time when Rustaceans say "crate," they mean library crate, and they use "crate" interchangeably with the general programming concept of a "library."

The crate root is a source file that the Rust compiler starts from and makes up the root module of your crate (we'll explain modules in depth in "Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy").

A package is a bundle of one or more crates that provides a set of functionality. A package contains a Cargo.toml file that describes how to build those crates. Cargo is actually a package that contains the binary crate for the command line tool you've been using to build your code. The Cargo package also contains a library crate that the binary crate depends on. Other projects can depend on the Cargo library crate to use the same logic the Cargo command line tool uses.

A crate can come in one of two forms: a binary crate or a library crate. A package can contain as many binary crates as you like, but at most only one library crate. A package must contain at least one crate, whether that's a library or binary crate.

Let's walk through what happens when we create a package. First we enter the command cargo new my-project:

$ cargo new my-project
     Created binary (application) `my-project` package
$ ls my-project
$ ls my-project/src

After we run cargo new my-project, we use ls to see what Cargo creates. In the project directory, there's a Cargo.toml file, giving us a package. There's also a src directory that contains Open Cargo.toml in your text editor, and note there's no mention of src/ Cargo follows a convention that src/ is the crate root of a binary crate with the same name as the package. Likewise, Cargo knows that if the package directory contains src/, the package contains a library crate with the same name as the package, and src/ is its crate root. Cargo passes the crate root files to rustc to build the library or binary.

Here, we have a package that only contains src/, meaning it only contains a binary crate named my-project. If a package contains src/ and src/, it has two crates: a binary and a library, both with the same name as the package. A package can have multiple binary crates by placing files in the src/bin directory: each file will be a separate binary crate.

Modules Cheat Sheet

Before we get to the details of modules and paths, here we provide a quick reference on how modules, paths, the use keyword, and the pub keyword work in the compiler, and how most developers organize their code. We'll be going through examples of each of these rules throughout this chapter, but this is a great place to refer to as a reminder of how modules work.

  • Start from the crate root: When compiling a crate, the compiler first looks in the crate root file (usually src/ for a library crate or src/ for a binary crate) for code to compile.
  • Declaring modules: In the crate root file, you can declare new modules; say you declare a "garden" module with mod garden;. The compiler will look for the module's code in these places:
  • Inline, within curly brackets that replace the semicolon following mod garden
  • In the file src/
  • In the file src/garden/
  • Declaring submodules: In any file other than the crate root, you can declare submodules. For example, you might declare mod vegetables; in src/ The compiler will look for the submodule's code within the directory named for the parent module in these places:
  • Inline, directly following mod vegetables, within curly brackets instead of the semicolon
  • In the file src/garden/
  • In the file src/garden/vegetables/
  • Paths to code in modules: Once a module is part of your crate, you can refer to code in that module from anywhere else in that same crate, as long as the privacy rules allow, using the path to the code. For example, an Asparagus type in the garden vegetables module would be found at crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus.
  • Private vs. public: Code within a module is private from its parent modules by default. To make a module public, declare it with pub mod instead of mod. To make items within a public module public as well, use pub before their declarations.
  • The use keyword: Within a scope, the use keyword creates shortcuts to items to reduce repetition of long paths. In any scope that can refer to crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus, you can create a shortcut with use crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus; and from then on you only need to write Asparagus to make use of that type in the scope.

Here, we create a binary crate named backyard that illustrates these rules. The crate's directory, also named backyard, contains these files and directories:

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
└── src
├── garden
│ └──

The crate root file in this case is src/, and it contains:

use crate::garden::vegetables::Asparagus;

pub mod garden;

fn main() {
    let plant = Asparagus {};
    println!("I'm growing {:?}!", plant);

The pub mod garden; line tells the compiler to include the code it finds in src/, which is:

pub mod vegetables;

Here, pub mod vegetables; means the code in src/garden/ is included too. That code is:

pub struct Asparagus {}

Now let's get into the details of these rules and demonstrate them in action!


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