Rust RAII Resource Management

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In this lab, we will explore the concept of RAII in Rust, which enforces resource acquisition is initialization. This means that when objects go out of scope, their destructors are called and their owned resources are freed, eliminating the need for manual memory management and ensuring protection against resource leak bugs. We will also learn about the Drop trait in Rust, which allows custom destructor logic to be implemented for types that require it.

Note: If the lab does not specify a file name, you can use any file name you want. For example, you can use, compile and run it with rustc && ./main.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/DataTypesGroup(["`Data Types`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/ControlStructuresGroup(["`Control Structures`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup(["`Functions and Closures`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup(["`Memory Safety and Management`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/DataStructuresandEnumsGroup(["`Data Structures and Enums`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/AdvancedTopicsGroup(["`Advanced Topics`"]) rust/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> rust/variable_declarations("`Variable Declarations`") rust/DataTypesGroup -.-> rust/string_type("`String Type`") rust/ControlStructuresGroup -.-> rust/for_loop("`for Loop`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/function_syntax("`Function Syntax`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/expressions_statements("`Expressions and Statements`") rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup -.-> rust/lifetime_specifiers("`Lifetime Specifiers`") rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup -.-> rust/drop_trait("`Drop Trait`") rust/DataStructuresandEnumsGroup -.-> rust/method_syntax("`Method Syntax`") rust/AdvancedTopicsGroup -.-> rust/traits("`Traits`") subgraph Lab Skills rust/variable_declarations -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/string_type -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/for_loop -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/function_syntax -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/expressions_statements -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/lifetime_specifiers -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/drop_trait -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/method_syntax -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} rust/traits -.-> lab-99194{{"`Rust RAII Resource Management`"}} end


Variables in Rust do more than just hold data in the stack: they also own resources, e.g. Box<T> owns memory in the heap. Rust enforces RAII (Resource Acquisition Is Initialization), so whenever an object goes out of scope, its destructor is called and its owned resources are freed.

This behavior shields against resource leak bugs, so you'll never have to manually free memory or worry about memory leaks again! Here's a quick showcase:

fn create_box() {
    // Allocate an integer on the heap
    let _box1 = Box::new(3i32);

    // `_box1` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

fn main() {
    // Allocate an integer on the heap
    let _box2 = Box::new(5i32);

    // A nested scope:
        // Allocate an integer on the heap
        let _box3 = Box::new(4i32);

        // `_box3` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

    // Creating lots of boxes just for fun
    // There's no need to manually free memory!
    for _ in 0u32..1_000 {

    // `_box2` is destroyed here, and memory gets freed

Of course, we can double check for memory errors using valgrind:

<!-- REUSE-IgnoreStart -->
<!-- Prevent REUSE from parsing the copyright statement in the sample code -->
$ rustc && valgrind ./raii
==26873== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==26873== Copyright (C) 2002-2013, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==26873== Using Valgrind-3.9.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==26873== Command: ./raii
==26873== HEAP SUMMARY:
==26873==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==26873==   total heap usage: 1,013 allocs, 1,013 frees, 8,696 bytes allocated
==26873== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==26873== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==26873== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 2 from 2)
<!-- REUSE-IgnoreEnd -->

No leaks here!


The notion of a destructor in Rust is provided through the [Drop] trait. The destructor is called when the resource goes out of scope. This trait is not required to be implemented for every type, only implement it for your type if you require its own destructor logic.

Run the below example to see how the [Drop] trait works. When the variable in the main function goes out of scope the custom destructor will be invoked.

struct ToDrop;

impl Drop for ToDrop {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        println!("ToDrop is being dropped");

fn main() {
    let x = ToDrop;
    println!("Made a ToDrop!");


Congratulations! You have completed the Raii lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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