Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause

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In this lab, we learn that a where clause in Rust can be used to express bounds for generic types separately from their declaration, allowing for clearer syntax, and can also apply bounds to arbitrary types rather than just type parameters. The where clause is especially useful when the bounds are more expressive than the normal syntax, as shown in the example involving the PrintInOption trait.

Note: If the lab does not specify a file name, you can use any file name you want. For example, you can use, compile and run it with rustc && ./main.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/DataTypesGroup(["`Data Types`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup(["`Functions and Closures`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup(["`Memory Safety and Management`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/DataStructuresandEnumsGroup(["`Data Structures and Enums`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/AdvancedTopicsGroup(["`Advanced Topics`"]) rust/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> rust/variable_declarations("`Variable Declarations`") rust/DataTypesGroup -.-> rust/type_casting("`Type Conversion and Casting`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/function_syntax("`Function Syntax`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/expressions_statements("`Expressions and Statements`") rust/MemorySafetyandManagementGroup -.-> rust/lifetime_specifiers("`Lifetime Specifiers`") rust/DataStructuresandEnumsGroup -.-> rust/method_syntax("`Method Syntax`") rust/AdvancedTopicsGroup -.-> rust/traits("`Traits`") rust/AdvancedTopicsGroup -.-> rust/operator_overloading("`Traits for Operator Overloading`") subgraph Lab Skills rust/variable_declarations -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/type_casting -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/function_syntax -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/expressions_statements -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/lifetime_specifiers -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/method_syntax -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/traits -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} rust/operator_overloading -.-> lab-99351{{"`Expressive Rust Generics with Where Clause`"}} end

Where clauses

A bound can also be expressed using a where clause immediately before the opening {, rather than at the type's first mention. Additionally, where clauses can apply bounds to arbitrary types, rather than just to type parameters.

Some cases that a where clause is useful:

  • When specifying generic types and bounds separately is clearer:
impl <A: TraitB + TraitC, D: TraitE + TraitF> MyTrait<A, D> for YourType {}

// Expressing bounds with a `where` clause
impl <A, D> MyTrait<A, D> for YourType where
    A: TraitB + TraitC,
    D: TraitE + TraitF {}
  • When using a where clause is more expressive than using normal syntax. The impl in this example cannot be directly expressed without a where clause:
use std::fmt::Debug;

trait PrintInOption {
    fn print_in_option(self);

// Because we would otherwise have to express this as `T: Debug` or
// use another method of indirect approach, this requires a `where` clause:
impl<T> PrintInOption for T where
    Option<T>: Debug {
    // We want `Option<T>: Debug` as our bound because that is what's
    // being printed. Doing otherwise would be using the wrong bound.
    fn print_in_option(self) {
        println!("{:?}", Some(self));

fn main() {
    let vec = vec![1, 2, 3];



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