Linux User/Group ID Displaying

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In the virtual reality game world of "System Craft", players are digital reality entertainment journalists who report live from intricate gaming realms. As a journalist, your latest assignment is to explore the vast, open-world environment of a Linux-based game server. Here, understanding the underlying system's user and group permissions is crucial for accessing various regions and hidden chambers within this digital domain.

To seamlessly navigate through this complex array of permissions, unravelling the mysteries behind user and group IDs is paramount. Your goal is to master the id command, leverage its power to identify access hierarchies within the game, and ensure your reports contain accurate technical insights for your avid readers. Are you ready to embark on this terminal quest and unlock the secrets of user and group IDs in Linux?

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup(["`User and Group Management`"]) linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/id("`User/Group ID Displaying`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/id -.-> lab-271305{{"`Linux User/Group ID Displaying`"}} end

Discovering Who You Are

In this step, you will learn to use the id command to discover your own user and group information. This is essential for knowing what permissions you have in your current environment.

Open your zsh terminal and make sure you're in the working directory with cd ~/project.

Now, issue the command:


This will display your current user ID (UID), your primary group ID (GID), and any additional groups you belong to. An example output might look like this:

uid=1000(journalist) gid=1000(journalist) groups=1000(journalist),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo)

uid is your user ID, gid is your group ID, and groups lists all the groups you're a member of.

Identifying Other Users

Every entity within "System Craft" operates under a specific user ID and group ID. For this step, you are tasked with using the id command to find the details of another user named 'npc'.

Use the following command format to uncover npcs identity within the system:

id npc

You will receive an output like:

uid=1020(npc) gid=1020(npc) groups=1020(npc)

This information is critical for understanding 'npc's permissions and the areas they can access in the game.


In this lab we explored the Linux command id and its applications in the context of a virtual reality game world. We learned how to identify our own user and group IDs, as well as those of other entities in the system. This lab was designed to introduce new Linux users to basic system management skills in a fun and interactive way. Understanding these concepts is essential as it lays the foundation for mastering Linux permissions and security.

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